Dbydd91's Profile

Joined: Feb 16, 2019

Recent Activity

Dbydd91 added Doomsday Clock to their pull list Feb 16, 2019

Doomsday Clock

DC Comics presents to you a 12-issue maxiseries from the critically acclaimed team of writer Geoff Johns, artist Gary Frank and colorist Brad Anderson. You are not prepared for what lies ahead within these pages, good readers.

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Dbydd91 added The Magic Order to their pull list Feb 16, 2019

The Magic Order

We live in a world where we've never seen a monster, and The Magic Order is the reason we sleep safely in our beds. Magic meets the mob in THE MAGIC ORDER, as five families of magicians-sworn to protect our world for generations-must battle an enemy who's picking them off one by one. By day, they live among us as our neighbors, friends, and co-work...

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