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Joined: Apr 06, 2019

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Sjel rated Vision #2 May 9, 2019

Vision #2

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Dec 2, 2015

• After the stunning, heart-stopping events of Vision #1, the Avengers will never be the same.
•  The Vision and his family attempt to cope with these events in their own, unique way. Though they put on a happy face, each of them can feel their anger growing, blistering, tearing them apart.
•  Will th...

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Sjel rated Vision #1 May 9, 2019

Vision #1

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Nov 4, 2015

The Vision wants to be human, and what's more human than family? He goes to the laboratory where he was created, where Ultron molded him into a weapon, where he first rebelled against his given destiny, where he first imagined that he could be more, that he could be good, that he could be a man, a normal, ordinary man. And he builds them. A wife, V...

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Sjel rated Shazam! #1 Apr 6, 2019

Shazam! #1

By: Geoff Johns, Dale Eaglesham
Released: Dec 5, 2018

The superstar team of writer Geoff Johns and artist Dale Eaglesham reunite to launch the first all-new SHAZAM! monthly title set in the DC Universe in almost 20 years! (What took you guys so long?!)
Teenager turned super-hero Billy Batson struggles to balance school and superheroics! (Guess which one is more fun?) But when Shazam unlocks a sho...

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