Series Premiere. A new cosmic time-travel adventure from the minds of Peter J. Tomasi (Batman and Robin, Super Sons) and Francis Manapul (Flash, Clear)! In the picture-perfect 25th century, the Rocketfeller family, living a disconnected and emotionally distant existence, discover a terrible secret: in their...
In the six months since Brainiac's incursion into the Milestone Universe, the nefarious Dr. Edwin Alva has gone missing, Icon's embarked on a deep space voyage, and Rocket has stepped up to fill the role of Earth's protector--but it sure does feel lonely at the top. That is, until Rocket finds herself recruited by the Shadow Cabinet, a mysterious c...
The superheroes have been trapped and murdered on an alien world while the enemies of Earth, who have been watching our planet with envious eyes, launch their invasion now there's no-one to protect it. The return of Mark Millar and Frank Quitely's series for an epic and shocking finale.
Magical meets modern in a walled city with strangely familiar architecture, where two small children with a sense of adventure get a grim reminder of reality....
Because every mistake one makes in this world will cause them to transform into a monster, bit by bit, and in the eyes of society, there's no distinction between the rules and wha...
Series Premiere. Gerry Duggan and Garry Brown present a massive Double-Length First Issue of their groundbreaking new series! The sun set on samurai and gunslingers at roughly the same time, but our two leads didn't die off quietly. In the East, Asami, an Onna-musha warrior and female samurai, would rather die with her weapons than surrender...
IT’S THE DAWN OF DC! Superman has returned to Metropolis and his greatest enemy Lex Luthor is finally behind bars. The future of the Superman family has never been brighter! As Clark Kent settles back into his life, iconic and new enemies erupt from the shadows to strike down the Man of Steel! But waiting in the wings to back up Big Blue is…Sup...
THE WATCHTOWER RISES! The Justice League is back and bigger than ever! In the wake of Absolute Power and the DC All In Special, Darkseid's death has triggered a massive power vacuum in the DCU, and Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman must unite like never before and expand the Justice League to encompass every hero championing the forces of good in ...
THE MATCH OF THE MILLENNIUM! It's Black Canary versus Lady Shiva to determine who is the single greatest hand-to-hand fighter in the universe! Who will walk away with the title? Find out as writer Tom King (Wonder Woman, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow) and Ryan Sook (Legion of Super-Heroes) go six rounds to see if our hero has what it takes to be...t...
Witchfinder Ed Grey is summoned by Alice, queen of the last standing realm on earth, to defend her and England against Morgan Le Fay and her champion in a final standoff. Hellboy creator Mike Mignola and fan-favorite artist Ben Stenbeck team up for a final story after the end of the world.
In 1996, writer Jeph Loeb and artist Tim Sale teamed for Batman: The Long Halloween, an award-winning 13-chapter saga that spawned multiple sequels and stands as the most influential Batman story of its era. Now, Loeb returns to the world of The Long Halloween for its long-anticipated final act: Batman: The Last Halloween, an all-new 10-part myster...
In this new installment of THE SHROUDED COLLEGE, CHARLES SOULE and WILL SLINEY's supernatural horror-adventure saga, three down-and-out astronauts are tasked with the ultimate heist-breaking a group of deadly vampires out of a space prison orbiting the Sun. Apollo 13 meets Blade in this killer thriller!
From SEAN LEWIS (KING SPAWN) comes a blood-splattered story of conquest. Bears. Pirates. Vikings. And Queens-all battling for their claim to determine what the world will become.
Rendered in stunning watercolor by artist JONATHAN MARKS BARRAVECCHIA, it's a gorgeous story of the blood spilled to make countries. And what's...
A century ago a portal opened over Central America and the Tetza that came through changed our world. Now the world bends all its effort to making the Iron Kings-great mechs that must battle the Tetza for humanity's continued survival in gladiatorial combat. Anita Marr is the greatest of the pilots and is chosen to pilot a new prototype that could ...
Nathan Bright had it all: an awesome girlfriend, a kickass dog, and a job as the number one weatherman on terraformed Mars. But when he's accused of carrying out the worst terrorist attack in human history-an event that wiped out nearly the entire population of Earth-Nathan becomes the most wanted man alive and a target of a manhunt that spans the ...
In this new installment of THE SHROUDED COLLEGE, CHARLES SOULE and WILL SLINEY's supernatural horror-adventure saga, three down-and-out astronauts are tasked with the ultimate heist-breaking a group of deadly vampires out of a space prison orbiting the Sun. Apollo 13 meets Blade in this killer thriller!
Chris Yost, co-creator of X-23, writer of hundreds of X-men issues and films and shows like Thor: Ragnarok and The Mandalorian, returns to comic books with Val Rodrigues to weave together Dark Fantasy and action-packed SciFi in UNNATURAL ORDER!
After the fall of the Britons and the Roman invasion of Hibernia, the captive known only as the ...
YOUNG KHALIDA escapes from a drug syndicate and discovers an ancient blade in a long-abandoned temple. Using its power, she becomes the GODDESS OF THE CITY, controlling the citizens through dark magic and fear. But events are being manipulated against her from the shadows, targeting Khalida.
A final action-packed confrontation will reawak...
When a gun smuggled into a high-security prison leads to the death of dozens and the escape of a brutal criminal, notorious weapons smuggler Joanna Tan is enlisted by the U.S. government: find the man she set loose and bring him down!
EASTON NEWBURN is a private detective without loyalties, investigating conflicts
between rival crime factions while collecting enemies along the way. In this DEBUT ISSUE, a man is murdered after stealing from his own mafia family, but they aren't the ones who ordered the hit...
This new ONGOING SERIES from CHIP ZDARSKY (Daredevil) and JACOB...
A man is living two lives. He is a private detective in a dystopian cyberpunk future trying to solve a triple murder. But when he falls asleep... he wakes up as a wandering adventurer in a barbaric fantasy world where magic exists. Is he two separate people? Or is he a third person that has undergone a psychotic split? He jumps back and forth from ...
Years after the battle of Venarium, a weary CONAN returns to his homeland to seek rest and solitude. However, a mysterious scout rides in to warn the Cimmerians of an imminent threat on the ...
STRAY DOGS creator TONY FLEECS teams with REVIVAL's TIM SEELEY for a series that combines rural crime noir and superhero action.
Once the star recruit of the media sensation super-team THIRD GEN, JACK XAVER had it all. But when controversy sends CROSSJACK crawling back to his mom and dad's basement in the Midwest, ...
Meet Sprout, a mute assassin who communicates exclusively through polaroid pictures.
Being raised by her doomsday-prepping grandfather in the rolling hills of Idaho, Sprout has never been around other people, watched TV, or seen clothes outside of Army fatigues. Now she's headed to the big lights of New York City to avenge her grandfather's mur...
"Hugo- and World Fantasy Award-winning writer G. Willow Wilson (Ms. Marvel, Wonder Woman, Poison Ivy) and all-star artist Chris Wildgoose invite readers to experience love on the brink of extinction in their new ongoing high fantasy tour de force!
In a dying world, only humans and orcs remain-mortal enemies battling for territory and political...
Spinning out of the pages of BARBARIC comes an all-new, standalone, rip-roaring fantasy adventure, filled with mayhem, humor, and a bloodthirsty weapon that just won't stop talking! Serra is a witch with a checkered past; Ka is an assassin with an agenda all her own, and Deadheart is a barbarian who wants to bash everyone in her path. They'll have ...
San Francisco is changing. Tech consortium Morrow is building the city of the future with "peacekeeper" robots looming on every corner-and wherever Morrow isn't, the Salvation gang is.
Bibiana Lopez-Yang is changing too. She came back from Afghanistan with PTSD and the ability to control electrical currents. If she...
The blockbuster OBLIVION SONG team of ROBERT KIRKMAN & LORENZO DE FELICI debut the biggest new comic book series of 2023 with the launch of AN ALL-NEW SHARED UNIVERSE and a SURPRISE you won't see coming!
War rages around the Sacred Ring, where the last remnants of two worlds have collapsed ar...