Superchum's Profile

Joined: Aug 29, 2019

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Superchum reviewed Psi-Lords #2 Aug 29, 2019

I enjoyed issue 2 quite a bit. I like the introduction of a new villain. And I really like the call backs to the old 90s series with some of the visual stuff. Psi-lords so far has been exactly what I've been looking for from Valiant. Fun, sci-fi, and action packed.

Psi-Lords #2

By: Fred Van Lente, Renato Guedes
Released: Jul 24, 2019

After an explosive escape from a cosmic prison, the team of amnesiac astronauts need to find a way home!
But where is the ship that brought them here in the first place? And just who are these Psi-Lords they keep hearing about?
It's a deadly scavenger hunt around the Gyre in search of a way back home, but this cosmic ring of decaying ships...

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Superchum added Psi-Lords to their pull list Aug 29, 2019


Who are the cosmic beings known only as the Psi-Lords? And how will they change the course of the Universe in this brand-new ongoing series?
Four astronauts awake in an otherworldly prison with no memory of how they got there! What is their connection to the Psi-Lords? And how will they escape?
Fred Van Lente is crafting a lively sci-fi mys...

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