To save the innocent, to save his sister, to save himself...Jedi Master Porter Engle must embark on one of the most epic instances of lightsaber combat ever recorded in the Chronicles. It will change him, and Barash, forever.
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The situation on the planet Gansevor has worsened, and Jedi Masters PORTER ENGLE and BARASH SILVAIN find themselves embroiled in a conflict with no clear solution. Certainty must be found and a side chosen...but new enemies have arrived, and time is running out.
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Jedi Master PORTER ENGLE has journeyed with his sister, Barash, to a planet far on the Republic frontier in response to a desperate request for aid. They are certain they will succeed. No one in the galaxy fights like Jedi Porter Engle. No warrior can stand against him. No one even comes close. They are certain...until they see what ...
• Hundreds of years before the Skywalker Saga, witness the rise of a legend - the mighty Jedi PORTER ENGLE, perhaps the most skilled lightsaber wielder in the High Republic.
• With his fellow Jedi Knight Barash, he travels the galaxy, serving as a guardian of peace and justice.
• But even Porter Engle has enemies he cannot def...