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Joined: Dec 28, 2019

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Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #2

By: James Tynion IV, Steve Epting
Released: Jan 22, 2020

Apex predator Lex Luthor is on the hunt for the Batman Who Laughs. To catch his prey, he must follow a trail of broken heroes... leading him to Jim Gordon, one of the victims of the Batman Who Laughs' deadly virus that turned the heroic police commissioner into the worst version of himself. The trail leads Lex to a lonely cell in the Hall of Justic...

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Scathan rated Batman #87 Jan 24, 2020

Batman #87

By: James Tynion IV, Guillem March
Released: Jan 22, 2020

The Riddler has been lying low since his humiliating defeat as part of Bane's army- but as costumed assassins start to make their way into Gotham City, Edward Nygma may have the answers he's been looking for. Or at least, the answer to why Deathstroke is trying to kill him! Is it possible that Batman's tussle with Slade Wilson was all just a ruse t...

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Year of the Villain: The Riddler #1

By: Mark Russell, Scott Godlewski
Released: Sep 11, 2019

Lex Luthor has presented dark gifts to super-villains across the DC Universe, setting off what can only be called the Year of the Villain. Unfortunately, resources are limited, so not everyone got something. The Riddler is one such person, and he is most displeased about it. Was this merely an oversight or a deliberate slight? The Riddler is determ...

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Scathan reviewed Female Furies #1 Dec 28, 2019

This was embarassing on every level

Female Furies #1

By: Cecil Castellucci, Adriana Melo
Released: Feb 6, 2019

All their lives the Female Furies have been raised to be the meanest, most cunning and most ruthless fighting force on all of Apokolips. So why are Granny Goodness' girls left behind every time the men go to war? With the might of New Genesis hanging over the planet, and the Forever People making mincemeat out of Darkseid's army, Granny thinks it's...

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