fwof76's Profile

Joined: Apr 14, 2020

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fwof76 reviewed Geek Girl #1 Apr 14, 2020

Don’t waste your money or time on Sam Johnson or his Geek Girl Comic. He is narrow minded and cannot handle opposing opinions. He thinks it’s his way or no way. Know where your money is going. #boycottgeekgirlcomic

Geek Girl #1

By: Sam Johnson, Carlos Granda
Released: Nov 2, 2016

When 'Little Miss Popular' Ruby Kaye lands a pair of super-tech glasses (invented by brainiac college geek Trevor Goldstein) in a game of Strip Poker, she's granted flight, super-strength, and – due to a flaw in the glasses' programming – super-klutziness! And this is just the beginning of the changes the glasses will wreak on Ruby...

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