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Joined: Aug 20, 2020

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Facts rated Transformers: Galaxies #8 Aug 20, 2020

Transformers: Galaxies #8

By: Sam Maggs, Umi Miyao
Released: Aug 12, 2020

"Gauging the Truth," Part Two. Gauge's understanding of the universe has gone topsy-turvy. Everything she's been told-that she remembers-may be a lie. Or the mysterious prisoners that are appealing to her are the liars. It could really go either way... and it's up to her to figure out who's telling the truth.

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Facts reviewed Transformers: Galaxies #7 Aug 20, 2020

Interesting setup
clean ending
read it if u haven't
its actually better good

Transformers: Galaxies #7

By: Sam Maggs, Umi Miyao
Released: Jul 8, 2020

Sam Maggs (Marvel Action: Captain Marvel, Marvel: Fearless and Fantastic!, DC: Brave and Bold!) and Umi Miyao (Transformers) weave a tale of deception and perception in "Gauging the Truth," Part 1!
Cycles ago, a Reversionist ship left Cybertron in the wake of a great calamity. Gauge, the youngest Cybertronian in the universe, knows she was forg...

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