Let's Go! Comic Show's Profile

Joined: Aug 27, 2020

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Our story begins in Summer 2018, it was San Diego Comic-Con. I am sitting in a very crowded room, not quite Hall H, but not a small break out room either. This one was full. It was one of those DC Comic creator highlight panels on Geoff Johns. Mr. Johns teased a story called Three Jokers. There he said this book should probably hit the shelves in the winter of 2018.

That’s right, 2018 more

Batman: Three Jokers #1

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Aug 26, 2020

Thirty years after Batman: The Killing Joke changed comics forever, Three Jokers reexamines the myth of who, or what, The Joker is and what is at the heart of his eternal battle with Batman. New York Times bestselling writer Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok, the writer/artist team that waged the “Darkseid War” in the pages of Justice League, reunite...

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