MeanderingMind's Profile

Joined: Sep 29, 2014

Recent Activity

MeanderingMind added Last Born to their pull list Oct 4, 2014

Last Born

What if the Big Bang was not the first of its kind? And, more importantly, not the last? Her whole life, Julia has yearned for adventure, and when she falls through a rupture in spacetime, she finally gets her wish. This cosmological thrill-ride marks the comic writing debut of Patrick Meaney, director of Grant Morrison: Talking With Gods.

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MeanderingMind added Critical Hit to their pull list Oct 4, 2014

Critical Hit

Matt Miner rallies a brand new art team and launches Liberator fan-favorites Jeanette and Sarah in a bold new direction with their own gritty mission to stop a rogue gang of hunters - but the girls learn to their horror that these hunters have developed a new hobby: hunting people... and suddenly the rescuers become the prey.

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