JJ's Profile

Joined: Dec 10, 2021

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JJ rated Daisy #5 Apr 13, 2022

Daisy #5

By: Colin Lorimer
Released: Apr 13, 2022

Daisy fights alone against Creation itself. Failure will imprison her in the Creator's hellish realm, and the world will serve out eternity on its knees, punished for the chaos and despair endowed by the maker and tortured for the light of hope that burns within. Armored with nothing but the language of Creation-and the truth-only Daisy can break t...

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JJ reviewed Daisy #4 Mar 14, 2022

One of the better books out there at present.
Every issue has been amazing. Smart, compelling storytelling with great art.

Daisy #4

By: Colin Lorimer
Released: Mar 9, 2022

The town of Brimount has been purged by a judgment too hideous to imagine. And now transported and transfigured, Daisy has shed her broken and twisted form and now stands in beauty, power, and glory. But the children who shared her afflictions and heritage are not healed as Daisy was promised, and their own metamorphoses draw back the curtain on th...

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JJ rated Daisy #3 Feb 8, 2022

Daisy #3

By: Colin Lorimer
Released: Feb 9, 2022

The hidden language of Creation—the divine DNA of God—is written into all things. If one were to know this secret voice, what is written could be unwritten and the world changed for the good . . . or the profane. Teen giant Daisy is on the verge of unlocking the language and healing a host of broken and disfigured children—but is this God's w...

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JJ reviewed Daisy #2 Jan 19, 2022

Awesome book! This was even a step up from issue #1.

Daisy #2

By: Colin Lorimer
Released: Jan 12, 2022

If a teenage girl told you she was descended from giant, monstrous creatures spawned by fallen angels, would you believe her? If she was over eight feet tall and showed abilities no human had ever exhibited, would you still need convincing? What if she brought you back from the dead?

"Lorimer's art will pull you into his world."-Big Shiny ...

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JJ rated Daisy #1 Dec 10, 2021

Daisy #1

By: Colin Lorimer
Released: Dec 8, 2021

BETWEEN HEAVEN AND HELL! A desperate mother's five-year search for her missing son leads her to the small town of Brimount and to the mysterious Phillips family. Daisy Phillips, like many teenagers, has a hard time fitting in, but not for the usual reasons. Daisy stands eight-and-a-half feet tall and is still growing, but her troubles with ill heal...

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JJ added Daisy (2021) to their pull list Dec 10, 2021

Daisy (2021)

BETWEEN HEAVEN AND HELL! A desperate mother's five-year search for her missing son leads her to the small town of Brimount and to the mysterious Phillips family. Daisy Phillips, like many teenagers, has a hard time fitting in, but not for the usual reasons. Daisy stands eight-and-a-half feet tall and is still growing, but her troubles with ill heal...

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