I had possibly the most fun I have ever had reading a comic while consuming Shirtless Bear Fighter. Jody Leheup is hilarious. Sebastian Girner is amazing. The lettering is also top tier.
After being betrayed by the bears that raised him, the legendary SHIRTLESS BEAR-FIGHTER wanders the forest he's sworn to protect, fist-fighting bears, eating flapjacks, and being the angriest man the world has ever known!
When wild-eyed, super-strong bears attack the citizens of Major City, Shirtless ventures into the human world to do what he ...
Spanish writer and artist GUILLEM MARCH, best known for his work on Batman, Catwoman, and Harley Quinn, takes up his pen for a cutting-edge story about a highly unconventional angel named Karmen and the young woman she takes under her wing when heartbreak strikes too hard. Packed with intriguing twists and metaphysical musings, this gorgeously draw...