Hoddawg's Profile

Joined: May 07, 2022

Recent Activity

Hoddawg added Chris Bachalo to their creator watch list Mar 1, 2024
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Hoddawg added Kelly Thompson to their creator watch list May 7, 2022
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Mr. and Mrs. X Vol. 2: Gambit And Rogue Forever

By: Kelly Thompson, Oscar Bazaldua

Can Rogue and Gambit finally relax and enjoy marital bliss? Not likely! Stuck in the Mojoverse, Rogue and Gambit are forced to relive their greatest hits - and moments from their past that they'd rather forget - but this time for the cameras! And when Spiral joins the fray, whose side is she really on? There's a precious object to steal and an army...

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Mr. and Mrs. X Vol. 1: Love And Marriage

By: Kelly Thompson, Oscar Bazaldua

Their wedding shocked the world - now Gambit and Rogue are husband and wife, and their honeymoon will be uncanny! In their extraordinary lives, Gambit and Rogue have faced nearly every challenge imaginable. But now that the Marvel Universe's hottest couple has tied the knot, how will they cope with married life, X-Men-style? By going interstellar! ...

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