Nice198's Profile

Joined: Apr 19, 2024

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Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #44

Apr 19, 2024

I don't understand why people still read it. It really sucks. Some say this makes the story of Tombstone interesting. Sorry, these are AMAZING SPIDER-MAN stories, not AMAZING Tombstone. Peter Parker has encountered obstacles, yes. The fact that he transcended it makes it interesting, it makes him a hero. But Zeb Wells wrote Peter Parker to experience only pain. Yes, experiencing pain may be the color of the story. But we are not psychopaths who want to see our beloved heroes suffer and suffer again and again. AMAZING SPIDER-MAN zeb wells makes me really depressed. And this is a comic for children too. What story do you really want to tell children? Being a good person will bring you only pain. That is what you are proposing. WHAT MAKES A SPIDER-MAN AMAZING SPIDER-MAN? The Gang War “event” was the last straw for me. AMAZING SPIDER-MAN was barely relevant, he was just a supporting character like other heroes especially in his own books. Damn it, how long will SPIDER-MAN be AMAZING SPIDER-MAN again?

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