Godisawesome's Profile

Joined: Dec 10, 2015

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Batman And Robin Eternal #10

Dec 10, 2015

If you are a fan of 1990's style Batman Family stories, this issue, like its predecessor, will be perfect for you. This is probably the best writing for Red Robin in the entire New 52 thus far. He and Red Hood are used to foil each other for dynamic and entertaining interactions throughout the issue, and the emphasis on distinguishing these two Robins from each other pays dividends. While the issue demonstrates their specialities, it also embraces their equal training under Batman; neither is just a fighter or a computer hacker. The issue also introduces the New 52 version of Jean Paul Vally, who seems to have been streamlined into a sleeker version of his previous self. The short fight with Bane echoes both character's history, providing another treat for fans of the old school Gotham tales. On the other hand, this issue spends very little time on what was the A-plot of the first mini arc of the weekly. Readers seeking out a Grayson-esque issue will be disappointed, and the main purpose of the Santa Prisca arc from these last two issues seems to have been mostly supplementary; it serves to re-introduce Azrael in the context of the weekly' villain, not to bring the main climbing action to a peak. People looking for a more straightforward action story will instead be greeted by a world written in a manner reminiscent of Chuck Dixon and Denny O'Neill, where anatagonists can be just as stubborn as the protagonists, and where subplots and crossovers serve the characters more than the event.

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