E. Attard's Profile

Joined: Feb 19, 2016

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Overall Rating
Batgirl Vol. 7: Family Business  
Batman (2011) #49  
Deadly Class Vol. 1: Reagan Youth

Feb 19, 2016

Deadly Class is truly spectacular. The art takes some warming up to, but eventually engaged me, as did the story, which puts a gritty, dark spin on what could have been a cheesy concept.

Descender Vol. 1: Tin Stars

Feb 19, 2016

Very impressive book. Feels like prometheus meets iRobot but good

East of West Vol. 1: The Promise  
Jupiter's Circle Vol. 1  
Jupiter's Legacy Vol. 1  
Low Vol. 1: The Delirium Of Hope

Feb 19, 2016

Low is beautiful, imaginative, inspiring and thrilling. The first volume enjoys every advantage a indie book like this has over other titles and utilizes it's freedom brilliantly. The art is absolutely gorgeous and the story has had me waiting anxiously for more. This is my favourite comic being published right now and it is not one to be missed.

Low Vol. 2: Before The Dawn Burns Us

Feb 19, 2016

Low remains to be my favourite book coming from any publisher. The second volume expands the world while continuing the story set up in volume one and does not let down in quality in the slightest.

Saga Vol. 3

Feb 19, 2016

Saga Vol. 4

Feb 19, 2016

The Wicked + The Divine Vol. 1: The Faust Act

Feb 19, 2016

The Wicked + The Divine is the perfect book for getting pop-culture savvy teens interested in the comic book medium. With a plot and characters that would feel at home in a great young adult novel, teens will find this series to be highly relatable. The book is so cinematic and engaging, it's hard to imagine it not being adapted into a feature film, especially given it's so easily marketable to the young adult audience. Mckelvie is excellent at capturing emotion and seldom will you see character designs as strong as those featured here. If you have any interest in YA novels, plot-twists or general badassery, don't miss this first volume of The Wicked + The Divine.

The Wicked + The Divine Vol. 3: Commercial Suicide

Feb 19, 2016

The Wicked + The Divine has been among the best comics coming out of image since it's first issue back in 2014. Unfortunately, this volume takes a bit of a dive in quality as a result of Laura's death at the end of the second volume. The comic is still enjoyable and it's certainly interesting to see the world from the gods' point of view, but without a protagonist, the book ends up feeling like it lacks focus. I can't help but feel that the story would have been better served had these issues been spread across the first eleven issues.

We Stand On Guard #6  

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