crimefighterpunch49's Profile

Joined: Jun 26, 2016

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Black Widow Vol. 1: Finely Woven Thread

Jun 26, 2016

This was cool. This is my favorite version of BW so far--tough, gritty...and yet not completely cold-hearted. Y'know I can't believe I'm saying this--but this story was kinda sweet. I mean--I don't know how else to describe an assassin who eventually takes pity on her neighbor, and a stray cat--depite her beliefs that she can never have friends.

Black Widow Vol. 2: The Tightly Tangled Web

Jun 30, 2016

This was'nt nearly as good as the first one. It was very hard to follow and hard to tell if Natasha was doing something good or bad. And there was too much blood in my opinion, the way some people die was kinda gross. But X-23 was the coolest and I hope to find her in other comics!

Max Ride: First Flight #1

Jun 30, 2016

This was a little vague, but seems to be building up to something. It's nice to see how protective Max is of her "Flock."

Nightcrawler (2014) #9

Jun 30, 2016

Nightcrawler is an excellent character who is strong in faith. It's really beautiful to see how confident he is as a child of God, most in his situation would feel very insecure as he looks like a demon! I'd root for this character to the bitter end!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 6: City Fall

Jun 26, 2016

TMNT as always, has a super fun feel with strong characters. This was'nt nearly as funny as the movies or TV shows, but was still very enjoyable, and exciting! One thing I wish they kept from the original was the good old fashioned ridiculous sci-fi origins and mutation. I purposely did'nt read the origin for this series because reincarnation sucks. But that said--this is very well written, and it was really cool to see another female character who is not a villain! (Angel) I just hope charcaters like Kitsune don't completely turn this into a messed-up witchy-fantasy.

Web Warriors (2015) #2

Jun 30, 2016

I generally read comics at random--whatever I can get my hands on right now, without waiting. This is a really good series to read like that, 'cause it's fun and cool, no matter where you start it seems. There are lots of awesome characters and worlds, so the whole thing has a really cool sci-fi superhero feel.

Web Warriors (2015) #8

Jun 30, 2016

This has a giant spider-robot, and a spider-punk--not to mention all the other cool characters. Need I say more?

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