Jason's Profile

Joined: Jul 08, 2016

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Overall Rating
Black Panther (2016) #3

Jul 8, 2016

The complex slow burn story starts to feel more coherent in this third issue. The pacing was less jarring than past issues and it is an interesting choice to allow the title character to be subtley defined according to other characters' actions and Wakanda itself. The story deserves high marks...8.5 plus. My primary gripe is the poor copy editing and errors in the issue. In one panel, the vinelike projections around Tetu disappear. There is an instance where the speech bubbles for Ayo and Aneka are switched. I know their Blue Angel armor looks similar, but that's unacceptable. Finally, a typo appears in the final poem, which simply destroys the literary homage Coates was going for here ("one" instead of "once"). Is an error-free issue too much to ask? What

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