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Joined: Jan 05, 2017

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Immortal Thor (2023) #1

Aug 22, 2023

Wow, Al Ewing has me strapped in already. There have been plenty of Thor #1's in the last decade, but this has a different feel. Tonally, it brought back memories of the short but memorable Thor: The Mighty Avenger run. It's somewhat of a surprise, but a welcome one to see a far more jovial (comic version, not MCU) Thor. It's quite intentional once you read Al Ewing's afterword and I'm all for it. Beyond that, Thor is carrying himself as an all-father should and this comic serves as a solid introduction to this version of Thor we'll be seeing for the foreseeable future. Plus, the classic is icing on the cake. Martin Coccolo knocks it out of the park too! And thanks to my local shop giving me a copy day early, woo! Rating of 9 for the level of current optimism I have for future issues.

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