AdmiralCooki3's Profile

Joined: Apr 26, 2017

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Overall Rating
Calexit #1

Jul 13, 2017

Read this book! Regardless of your position on the political spectrum, it's worth your time.

Captain America (2018) #7

Jul 22, 2019

Coates’ Cap is reminiscent of Brubaker’s Cap. And that’s a really good thing.

House of X #1

Jul 24, 2019

By nearly every metric, this is the best Marvel mag I’ve read in a very long time.

Lazarus: X+66 #6

Feb 19, 2018

Hauntingly good.

Tales of Suspense (2017) #100

Jan 15, 2018

What the heck Foreman? Why couldn't you produce this kind of quality on the Ultimates? Oh well... This book looks great, flows well, and is thoroughly amusing. Clint feels like he did in the Fraction run and I'm quite excited to see all the hijinx he and Bucky will get up to together.

Ultimates 2 (2016) #6

Apr 29, 2017

The Ultimates may have been the the best team book Marvel put out after Secret Wars and, as such, I was pretty upset when event beurocracy led to an issue #1 reset and artist shuffle after Civil War II. While I refuse to call any artist's work "bad", Foreman just hasn't been able to fill Rocafort's shoes. And, while Ewing's story remains as engrossing as ever, the book has suffered. This issue, however, is a step in the right direction for one of my favorite books. Foreman's previously haphazard layouts are tight and orderly. His line work, which typically alternates between bland simplicity and sloppy complexity, settles into a happy medium that far more effectively brings life to the characters and setting. And, as always, Ewing's storytelling doesn't miss a beat.

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