FTO NERD TALK 's Profile

Location: Minneapolis , Mn, Usa Joined: Jun 02, 2017 About Me: I'm hardcore comic fan and I've loved and disliked companies. I've done that dance so many times I'm bias, only currently towards DC. Marvel has done things that I can't forgive just yet. We'll see in 4 years if the change their ways. I hope you all enjoy my reviews and I'm glad to be a pa more

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Overall Rating
Justice League of America (2017) #3

Jul 17, 2017

Nice art. I think Orlando needs to pick a character he wants to spotlight.

Justice League of America (2017) #4

Jul 17, 2017

It would be a 7 but the art killed it. I wanted more from the league and the antagonist.

Justice League of America (2017) #5

Jul 17, 2017

The art was good and it's always nice seeing the main man do his thing.

Justice League of America (2017) #6

Jul 17, 2017

The pacing is slow but the characters are all interesting and they have their own voice.

Justice League of America (2017) #7

Jul 17, 2017

You saw a side of killer frost you kind of knew but it was still interesting to see.

Justice League of America (2017) #8

Jul 17, 2017

The art was great but I wasn't that attached. It was decent and clear story wise.

Justice League of America (2017) #9

Jul 17, 2017

I was expecting more. It felt like a filler issue but it was straight forward and has the progression it needed.

Justice League of America (2017) #10

Jul 17, 2017

It was fun and different. The ray is really getting a spotlight and showing up what he can do.

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