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Joined: Mar 12, 2014

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Punisher (2014) #3

Mar 12, 2014

At the end of issue 2 we learn Frank isn’t just up against some 2-bit generic novela cartel, they have a secret weapon. That secret weapon none other than the Super-Villain Electro. (This obviously has nothing to do with the new Spider-Man movie and the fact Electro is a major villain in said movie.) From the very first pages we see Frank is in over his head and he treats it like any other threat and works with he’s got then and there (a fully automatic gun and his wits to defend himself from a guy who is a deranged killer with greek god-like powers). People have been having problems with this Marvel-Now Punisher, (“Punisher isn’t supposed to interact and be friendly with civilians and drink coffee at a diner, what is this Seinfeld?”) I think it’s cool we get to see a more human side of Frank Castle, but fear not there’s a nice interrogation scene for all you die hards out there. Who knows this might open up for more compelling stories down the road. It’s great to give this guy more range of emotion it gives the reader more to grasp on to. Here we have a vigilante who’s lost everything he cares about and wants to make sure the people who can’t protect themselves have someone to protect them. The Punisher should talk to the people he saves every once and a while, he should see their faces and step out of the shadows to see what he is protecting, otherwise what’s he really doing it all for. The man should be able to crack a smile or keep a pet coyote. ( Side note: Waiting for the miniseries of “Adventures of The Punisher and Loot The Coyote”) This is a really good arc going on in the series and a really great read for people wanting to get into punisher. I can’t wait to see how Frank gets himself out of the electric pickle he got himself into at the end of this issue. Will the cartel wipe out all of L.A. with a biological weapon? Will Punisher escape the clutches of Electro? Will Lou’s tamales be a #1 seller at the diner? Can’t wait

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