Shadowhawk's Shade's Profile

Joined: Apr 29, 2014

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #19

May 11, 2014

With the end of Forever Evil: Blight in March, last month the creative team of J. M. DeMatteis, Fernando Blanco and Norm Breyfogle began a new arc in The Phantom Stranger as the titular character dealt with some of the fallout of that event, and also began to adjust to the new world that had resulted. In a supernatural team-up with Superman that was quite fun to read, The Phantom Stranger #18 proved to be decent read that promised an exciting new arc in the series as the creative team continued to dabble in more and more supernatural mysteries of the DC universe, and the villains as well. This week’s The Phantom Stranger #19 continues that as we see the larger plan behind the event that Superman and the Stranger went through last month, and also see the titular character team-up with yet another DC bigwig, albeit a supernatural one: Madam Xanadu, one of the original founding members of the Justice League Dark, although she hasn’t rejoined the team following the end of the Forever Evil: Blight event. DeMatteis’ script here is pretty damn exciting, although he overdoes the exposition a bit, and the artwork is consistent with the previous issues, although there were negatives here and there. Full review:

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