B's Profile

Joined: Mar 30, 2018

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Black Panther (2016) #171

Mar 30, 2018

THis is another great comic by the author! I love the way that Ororo is working herself back into the comic! I always felt that she was a natural match with BP could be be seeing another wedding between the two? What about children?. However, seeing the reconciliation with the Dora Milaje was really good. The fighting was good as well as seeing Klaw be outfoxed. The true revelation was Okoye and THunderball! But I was most happy to see Kasper back in play!

The Mighty Thor (2015) #705

Mar 30, 2018

I just read this earlier and I had to collect my thoughts. Every now and then, I come across a comic book issue that is so amazing and yet sad and yet hopeful that I have to write about this. You see, I was one of those guys that did not like it when Jane Foster took up the mantle of Thor. I could not have been more wrong. She out Thored Thor. She outdid the Odinson. This issue showed a lot more than why she should be Thor. She managed to humanize a mythological character in such a way that hasn't been done in comics by either DC or Marvel. Marvel has woven a masterpiece that epitomizes why people are excited about comics in general. I laughed, I cried, I felt remorse, I felt joy but I really felt and wished that Odin had met his demise instead of Jane. He was an absolute creep and not worthy of being an all father. All of the issues that I have read of Thor, this one will blow you away. I REALLY didn't think that any female comic would top Spider Woman #50 (another extreme tear jerker and definitely worth a read for those who have not read it yet!) back in the very early 80s but they did. I'm going to come right out and say it: this is THE best send off of a hero in ANY form of a comic book that I have ever seen. Because of the strong content in this comic book, I'll re-read it again but at a later time because right now, I'm sad at the demise of a worthy hero. Thank you writers and editors and artists who have made this an EXTREME masterpiece! Here I am, a big, strong African American guy crying as I write this... B

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