MadMikeyD's Profile

Joined: Apr 01, 2013

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Overall Rating
Insufferable #1  
Mask of the Red Panda #1

Apr 1, 2013

Mask of the Red Panda #2

Apr 1, 2013

Mask of the Red Panda #3

Apr 25, 2013

Sparks Nevada #0  
The Greatest Adventure #1

May 26, 2017

As a fan of Edgar Rice Burroughs' novels, I was really looking forward to this series. This first issue is a lot of flashback to set up this adventure, but it was well executed and did not leave me bored at all. Add the thrill of seeing so many of Burroughs' characters together and it's well worth it.

The Greatest Adventure #2

May 26, 2017

This issue is much more action-packed than the first, featuring battles worthy of Burroughs. This series is a lot of fun so far.

The Greatest Adventure #3

Jul 27, 2017

Another very well done issue. Our antagonists' identities are revealed. Tarzan and crew enlist the aid of a long-time "frenemy." With its roots firmly in Burroughs' work, Willingham is spinning an excellent pulp tale.

The Greatest Adventure #4

Aug 17, 2017

Despite a thrilling opening and Tarzan's return to Pellucidar, this issue has a bit slower pace than the previous couple. Personally, I was a little disappointed that David Innes was only mentioned and not seen in the issue. However, overall, this was another well done issue. The decisions of several characters seemed to make sense and move the plot along. The cliffhanger ending still left me anxious for the next issue.

The Greatest Adventure #5

Oct 28, 2017

Tarzan makes it to Barsoom. The battle between Tarzan and the Warhoons is suitably Burroughsian. We finally get the meeting between Tarzan and John Carter. I was a little confused by the background appearances of some characters I thought we left in Pellucidar, but overall an exciting, fulfilling chapter in this series.

Thrilling Adventure Hour: Beyond Belief #0  

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