Zap-Kapow Comics's Profile

Joined: Aug 02, 2014

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Overall Rating
Low (2014) #1

Aug 2, 2014

Let's get this out of the way — Greg Tocchini's art is both beautiful AND nearly impossible to understand what's going on. It's a strange thing, and it's hard to say that someone so talented shouldn't be telling stories with his artwork, but that feels like the case here.

Thank God for Rick Remender's words, because otherwise we would have been lost. Well, thank God for *half* of Remender's words ...

After a long (and nudity filled) opening that tries to quickly establish the characters and their world, 'Low' doesn't get going until the second half. But what a second half it is. The end leaves us looking forward to future issues, imagining where they might go, and hoping a new artist can come onboard to clarify these characters and their settings.

Together with his slightly superior 'Black Science', Rick Remender is churning out some of the best sci-fi work of his career.

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #1

Aug 2, 2014

'Outcast' No. 1 reads like a pilot for a future HBO series (think The Leftovers and True Detective) — and that's not a bad thing.

Having already shown his (somewhat difficult) material can translate to TV with 'The Walking Dead', this could easily be his next big television series. With issues ranging from domestic violence to religious faith though, this one we'd like to see get a bit more freedom than basic cable allows.

Perfect character introductions, backstories and dialog, 'Outcast' No. 1 is a must for comic book fans.

'Outcast' is another winner from Image Comics.

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #2

Aug 2, 2014

Robert Kirkman's 'Outcast' continues it engaging and intreging story with this second issue.

As more character details flesh out and Kyle Barnes' past becomes (slightly) more clear ("This is Donnie!"), this series is hitting all the right notes. 'Outcast' has shot to the top of our pull list favorites, alongside 'Saga', 'Starlight', 'Black Science' and 'Low'.

'Outcast' is a must read. Kyle Barnes is among Kirkman's best characters.

Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #3

Sep 4, 2014

What did I just read? After two kick-ass issues, #3 lands with a thump (or more accurately a what?). Characters blend together, indistinguishable from each other, and do just about nothing to advance the story. Hoping for better things to come ...

Saga #22

Sep 4, 2014

Saga continues to be one of the best comic books on the shelf, but it's been awhile since we felt any danger or movement for these characters. Ready to see Vaughn and Staples push things along a little faster (again) and show us some new characters and corners of their universe.

Wolverine (2014) #10

Aug 9, 2014

This entire series has been pretty terrible, and given the marketing and weight behind something as bold as killing Wolverine in these final issues, one would expect a LOT more punch than Paul Cornell is writing.

This issue covers the third official part of '3 Months To Die' and we'd be lying if we told you it were anything other than more of the same of the previous issues in this series — juvenile, lazy, and boring.

Wolverine is one of Marvel's greatest assets, so one has to wonder what the hell they were thinking when they signed off on this mess.

Sidnote: 1.5 of the 2.5 we gave this was for Steve McNiven's awesome covers. The interiors (writing and art) are that bad. Can't wait for Logan's inevitable return, hopefully in better creative hands.

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