jion2999's Profile

Joined: Mar 29, 2020

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Marvel's Avengers (2019): Captain America #1

Mar 29, 2020

I can't remember the last time I read such a terrible Marvel comic. I mean where do I begin? Captain America starts off the scene going after Batroc the Leper. The art quality is decent but the fight scene is slow and uninspired. I know Batroc isn't an A-lister or anything but being taken out so easily and not knowing anything about what he's being hired to do is the most idiotic and lazy character writing I have had the displeasure of reading. Nothing happens in terms of story progression and there are unnecessary flashbacks about an irrelevant war hero that taught Captain America I don't really know what exactly because of how vague the descriptions were. I would skip this issue entirely as a read because of how forgetful it is.

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