Catilleon's Profile

Joined: Mar 25, 2021

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Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #1

Mar 25, 2021

A really enjoyable read with an emotional core that is balanced with bathos and some fun superhero weirdness. I have to mark it down for a couple of reasons that mainly relate to the comic-book industry. Firstly making the Avengers just so irritated by Dane's presence, it's not as bad as it sounds and it works in story, but it's a dynamic that I don't expect will remain outside of this story. Ergo the writer didn't keep the wider Marvel universe in mind. Secondly, a number of reviews pointed out that the King In Black: Black Knight tie is required reading here as it apparently provided much-needed context for Dane's depression and setting up the Ebony Blade as a kind of negativity powered weapon. But I wouldn't know because I can't obtain that issue. Curse of the Ebony Blade is planned to be a six-issue mini-series which sounds ideal. It remains to be seen if the comic can land the series' goal of making the Marvel Camelot relevant.

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