memento mori's Profile

Joined: Aug 13, 2022

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Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1: Beyond

Aug 13, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #21

Mar 12, 2023

It's a very disappointing issue with no answers at all. Pages and pages with a preparation for action and flashbacks and not a single evolution. Even John Romita Jr art don't save this issue.

Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 2: The New Sinister

Feb 4, 2023

That Peter Parker is unlucky character everyone knows, but did he discover that rock bottom has a basement? This volume brings together the Amazing Spider-Man #900 anniversary issue, which despite the main story by that run's screenwriter, Zeb Wells and art by Ed McGuinness, being very entertaining and action-packed, references classic elements worthy of a commemorative story. . I had a lot of fun with the additional short story by Daniel Kibblesmith and drawings by David Lopez, filled with humorous one-liners. Back to the main stories of this volume we have the beginning of a new dynamic between Peter and his most cruel enemy, Norman Osborn, now “purged” of his sins and trying to repair the damage he has already caused… is this really possible? In general, this new phase of Spidey remains a comic committed to fun, but it does not indicate any kind of evolution of the character with Marvel editorial keeping Peter away from the potential achieved by him as a character in the 1980s and 1990s.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow Collected

Mar 4, 2023

Easily Tom King is one of the best writers in DC Comics today and the editorial strategy of bringing stories that are not necessarily tied to decades of chronology, give to readers beautiful views of the most diverse authors and unique analyzes about long-established characters or some even not so well known. In Supergirl WOT, King explores with greater space and depth the life, history, traumas and dilemmas of the classic character without ever having to show his famous cousin. In addition to the beautiful dive into the character provided by King, the wonderful art by Bilquis Evelyn and colors by Matt Lopes is also a highlight and what a pride to know that these talents are Brazilians like me! It took me a long time to start reading SWOT but if you're reading this you have a chance not to. If the basis for the next DC Films project led by James Gunn is really this graphic novel as he said, he certainly has a great story as a foundation to develop the character and a great responsibility to not disappoint. @tcesars

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