Karahito's Profile

Joined: Sep 01, 2022

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Overall Rating
Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer (2022) #1

Sep 26, 2022

We are treated to some fun fantasy art, it does feel like I'm being thrust into a world inspired by Frazetta's wonderful worlds created from his amazing images and the feel of the film Fire and Ice. I enjoyed jumping into this story, it is simple and doesn't require too much analysis. Just plain fun.

Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer (2022) #2

Sep 26, 2022

We get to know more about Death Dealer, and are rewarded to some good world building, mostly through images without exposition, which I appreciate very much. Our imaginations are allowed to fill in the details, the writing feels compressed, but it flows allowing us to get a lot of story without all the word balloons so we can enjoy some more fun art.

Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer (2022) #3

Sep 26, 2022

More entertaining art and dialogue, almost feels like I'm reading some dialogue inspired by Donny Cates Venom. Mitch still keeps the flow moving along and treating us to a fast paced story with opportunities for more world building panels. I'm happy to keep supporting the team and Opus.

Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer (2022) #4

Sep 26, 2022

Hmmm, well we get a wrap up leaving us with more questions as most good stories do. I think we may lose a few readers after this arc wrap up, but I'd recommend to stick around. We have the promise of one and done stories which I think Mitch can pull off based on the last 4 issues. Again, I enjoyed the art, but the end was very condensed but we can put all the pieces together. Looking forward to the next issue.

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