Aj Adejare's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Fandom Post Reviews: 16
7.2Avg. Review Rating

Army of Darkness: Furious Road #1

Mar 2, 2016

Army of Darkness: Furious Road has some interesting build up for a first issue. The action sequences throughout the panel scream the brutality of the world we land it. With lush and detailed sequences of art, it can deliver a great visual experience. The story, however, could use more fleshing out with panels as while it seems a story is plausible, where it's trying to take us is a bit muddled. Readers can expect to see a bit more progression through the story, but some caution should be held until the second issue comes through.

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Cryptocracy #1

Jun 13, 2016

Cryptocracy is off to a good start. Jensen worked in an interesting premise with a solid lead in Grahame. Woods' artistic take with the series will keep many people coming to the series. If the pacing can adjust itself for the next volumes, we can see a strong comic series that will surely gain fans.

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Death Orb #1

Oct 3, 2018

Death Orb feels generic. The setting, the style, and the writing all cater towards those who are into post-apocalyptic work. The problem is that it doesn't do much to branch out for other readers. With it's by the book good and evil characters with sidekicks, most people will not feel the motivation to jump on the series with a been there done that feeling. It may wear off for the next volume, but as it stands now, it has a lot of work to do.

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Dept. H #1

Mar 23, 2016

The Kindt's Dept. H put themselves in a position that very few comics tend to position themselves: a self-assured narrative that knows what it wants to portray and details the path it will take. With an interesting setup of Mia's situation, we get a sense of a solid mystery that will grasp the reader's attention and demand it pays attention to everything, less miss out on something great. Tie this in with a good art direction and you have a strong start for the Kindt's Dept. H.

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Fight Like A Girl #1

Oct 28, 2014

The first entry of Fight Like a Girl comes in with a impressionable start. The characters and motivations will get readers invested in the story. The tone feels consistent and respectable for the topic matters of the series. Most of all, it gives the feeling that it will meld fun reading with a sense of mystery to make even some skeptics stay around. Pinckney and Lee did good work in making Fight Like a Girl a comic that people should read and get in on the ground floor, and for a first, entry that is all we can ask.

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Giant Days #10

Jan 22, 2016

This issue proves why Giant Days became a continuing series. It is a well written, funny series about women learning to come to grips with maturing by dealing with issues all adults must go through. Seeing how Lindsay and Ester had to come to grips of being an adult, learning that the past sometimes comes off more glorious than it actually was, is something that all adults must learn (even though 90s kids will beg to differ). It's what makes us learn to keep going, prioritize and even become a better person warning the kids about the mistakes they could make if they don't follow your advice. The way Alison handles all of these cogs in an issue is amazing, but at the same time, not, as it's what we expect when coming to the issue. All we can say is more days should come to Giant Days, and hopefully, Susan's paper arc will wrap up in due time.

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Hoax Hunters (2015) #1

Apr 8, 2015

Hoax Hunters is off to a decent start. It's clear the authors are going for story over characters for their outing to bring in readers. That is not a bad thing to do as it will hook the reader and get them to start considering the comic for its story first. The characters may be standard but the story, at least for this arc, is looking to be a bit deeper. If they can push through this story and build up the characters on the way, readers may see more meaning out of this series.

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Muirwood: The Lost Abbey #1

Aug 19, 2015

Muriwood's first issue manages to accomplish what it needs to do in the first issue. It got the story setup, introduced to characters necessary, introduced the threat, and showed off the powers of Maia. However, it struggles to do more than just stated above. The art style may interest people and bring them in, but it may also push people out and make it not as accessible. The story is above interesting but it fails to be as gripping as it could be. This type of story seems like it'll play out well in the long run, but only if people are willing to take the time to be invested. It seems that for the most part, many people will do so, and thus see a story start to unfold that could captivate them.

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Rebels (2015) #1

Mar 13, 2015

Rebels, has a lot to do from here on out. Rebels needs to prove to itself that it knows where the narrative is going. It needs to know how to bring that narrative, the world, most importantly why this era is so important to the characters. Bring that sense of why this era is important to readers and how it connects to the emotions, feelings, and urgency to the characters. If Rebels can do that, it can bring in readers into the comic. If they cannot it is going to be a rough sell for many people except for the niches. For right now, the only thing you can say is, "well they tried".

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Shadowman/Rae Sremmurd #1

Oct 6, 2017

Shadowman and Rae Sremmurd could have been a lot better if both parties came to the table more earnestly. It feels as if Rae Sremmurd and Rahal came together, talked a bit but didn't properly collaborate. It shows the way the characters interact with each other giving a more "cameo" feel than an actual plotline driven work. The art is serviceable, but also does not feel as if it had a sense of true input from the group. The overall feels more of a cash-in than a work of collaborative art. it's a shame because it could have worked well.

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Tekken #1

May 3, 2017

Tekken really does not break boundaries of video game comics. Rather, it decides to join the various list of video game comics that are there to attract the core fans. With its dedication to the story without proper entry and lack of elaboration on characters, new readers simply won't feel ready to jump into the Tekken universe. For fans, however, it's a nice comic to have and read but not necessary to own.

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The Living Finger #1

May 12, 2016

The Living Finger shows promise. The aesthetics make the series a treat to see, the story seems promising. The fact still remains that we're wanting more, more buildup with more context than just what is there. More importantly, we want a connectable main character, and Jason so far half-attempts this effort. There's no doubt that we will see more as the story develops, but it feels that the first issue missed certain opportunities to do so within the first issue. The Living Finger is going to be series to keep an eye out on as the story rolls out but it will not surprise many if people fail to show up.

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The Paybacks #1

Aug 10, 2015

The Paybacks shows promise. The characters so far seem interesting and the premise seems well executed concept wise. The actual sequence of the story is going to need some work for the next issue. The biggest dressing for the next issue is to get the information out as efficient me as possible. The authors need to work on letting the material as the story breathing their work so that everybody can appreciate it. If they can do that there'll be a lot more potential fulfilled for this work. Who knows maybe we'll even see people jump on board for this series in full.

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The Shadow Glass #1

Mar 4, 2016

The Shadow Glass seems to have the basics down. Interesting setting with a multifaceted lead, the Shadow Glass will captivate the imagination of many of its readers. Few issues aside, this volume does great work to convince the average reader to pick it up and give it a shot. The only question is if Aly Feel can keep up the moment built in the first double volume and work from there. If this volume is an example, the answer is a solid yes.

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The Wrong Earth #1

Aug 29, 2018

Wrong Earths Does a good job setting up the premise. The series sets up characters distinctly with mannerisms and personas that make them stand out. We know the stakes of the characters as well as the consequences of both main characters in their different perspective Worlds. The art style conveys these particular consequences as well as makes it interesting to read. Peyer certainly created a good entry point into what may be an interesting series.

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Zodiac Starforce #1

Jul 29, 2015

Overall, it's looking like a strong start for Zodiac Starforce. Panetta and Ganucheau have done will to create an interesting story with the art and the direction to match. There are some quibbles that might not make it the best but they are mostly minor. The vast majority of readers, however, won't be caring about said quibbles but instead will care about when the next issue comes out. Graphic novel fans from all areas (comics, manga, etc.) should pick up accessible magical girl series.

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