Amy Beddoes's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: DC Comics News Reviews: 16
7.5Avg. Review Rating

Larfleeze #12

Jun 26, 2014

Honestly, I'm not sure there's anything I can say to make you buy this issue or not. If you're already into the series, you're almost certain to pick it up, and if you're not, this is hardly the place to start. But as for the series as a whole? Who knows? If you're the type to enjoy the crass, over-the-top humor with little characterization or drama characteristic of Giffen, this is the book for you – and capping off at 12 issues, there's not a particularly large backlog to get to. But it's certainly not everyone's cup of tea.

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Secret Origins #3

Jun 25, 2014

FREEDOM FROM FEAR falls easily into a trap that, sadly, has caught many other stories in this series " no matter the writing quality, it's got nothing to offer. If you're already a Hal Jordan fan, you'll learn nothing new here. If you're new to the character, it doesn't have enough to sell you on him " if you've even bothered to buy the issue in the first place. Still, it checks all the marks necessary for a good Hal introduction, and if I needed to pick an issue to catch a Hal newcomer up, I have to say " this would be first on my list.

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Secret Origins #4

Jul 24, 2014

I have, in the past, written SECRET ORIGINS off as a doomed concept. I'm not really sure this issue has changed my mind. They haven't all been like this, and they won't all be like this. But for what it is – a series of origin vignettes – it's a real pleasure to read. Perhaps SECRET ORIGINS will last, and perhaps it won't. But even at $4.99, this one, at least, is worth it.

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Secret Origins #5

Aug 30, 2014

SECRET ORIGINS #5 is an auto-purchase for many fans, simply because of Marv Wolfman Cyborg. If you're in this category, enjoy – the first story is pretty good, and if you feel like it, you could even check out MERA. But otherwise? SECRET ORIGINS largely seeks to convince readers to buy a $5.99 monthly on the merit of one or two origins of prominent characters, but if any of the three are less than stellar, it's very rarely worth the asking price. This is no exception. If Cyborg isn't worth the price of admission to you, the rest of the book won't make up for it. Skip it.

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Tiny Titans: Return To The Treehouse #1

Jun 5, 2014

A hit with younger and older readers alike, the previous TINY TITANS series was quite popular as all-ages titles go. For kids and fans of that old title alike, TINY TITANS: RETURN TO THE TREEHOUSE #1 is a welcome relaunch full of lighthearted adventures and a welcome addition to DC's frequently lagging all-ages lineup. For adults not already enamored of the TINY TITANS universe, however, it may not serve as the best introduction.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #31

May 21, 2014

GREEN LANTERN: NEW GUARDIANS #31 not only serves as an excellent primer for new readers, but is an enthralling tale in its own right, providing both a self-contained story that fleshes out lesser explored corners of the DC Universe and a laundry list of hooks for the story to come. Bringing together both high-stakes cosmic action and a very personal sense of loss, this series is a real page-turner that will leave you wanting more. If you were thinking of getting into GL: NEW GUARDIANS, or even the GREEN LANTERNbooks in general, now is the time.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #32

Jun 19, 2014

GREEN LANTERN: NEW GUARDIANS #32 isn't terrible. But in the end, it just doesn't deliver. Perhaps, once the second half of this plot has been revealed, this will all fit more smoothly into the overall narrative. But after jumping on board with the previous issue, I have to admit – I'm a little let down.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #33

Jul 17, 2014

As the second installment of a multi-issue arc, GREEN LANTERN: NEW GUARDIANS #33 isn't the best place to jump in, especially with a much more convenient starting point back at #31. But if you've got a taste for sci-fi and interpersonal drama set against the backdrop of alien body horror, this is the book for you. And if you don't? Give it a shot anyway. You might find yourself pleasantly surprised.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #34

Aug 21, 2014

Though not quite as gripping as the previous issue, this was an excellent conclusion to the arc, and despite the sour note listed above, the finale was genuinely affecting. If you're a new reader, do not start with this issue, but if you've been following this story, you won't be disappointed.

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Green Lantern (2011) #34

Aug 7, 2014

Aside from the teaser on the last page, not a single thing of plot importance happens in this issue. And it's really, really nice. If you're just getting into this series, it may not be the best issue to reel you in, but with a nice wrap-up of the last big arc and a hook for the next, you could pick worse places to start. If you've been following the series already, you won't be missing anything important if you skip this issue, but I'd buy it nonetheless. Big things are happening in the near future. It won't hurt to stop, breathe, and enjoy a bit of Khundish ale with familiar faces.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #34

Aug 14, 2014

The reveal is as well handled as it is heartbreaking. Yrra's violation and John's pain come through stunningly well. But as for the revelation itself? I am glad to see the unfortunate implications of Yrra's transformation explored. But I wonder if there wasn't a better way.

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Superman Unchained #7

Jul 11, 2014

Despite my jokes above, SUPERMAN UNCHAINED #7 is not by any means a starting point for a new reader. But it is a great issue, start to finish. I highly recommend tracking down #1 and starting from the beginning – after this issue, I definitely plan to.

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Teen Titans Go! (2013) #8

Jun 12, 2014

TEEN TITANS GO! #8 is a fun standalone title, as well as a good example of what DC Digital can really do with a bit of creativity. Though some tries miss their mark, both humor- and media-wise, it's an enjoyable read that will earn a hearty chuckle from readers of all ages. At $1.99, it's worth checking out.

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Teen Titans Go! (2013) #9

Jul 9, 2014

TEEN TITANS GO! #9 is a book I'd recommend to anyone looking for a laugh – while appropriate for young children, it's a book whose humor does not rely on cheap kids' jokes, and is so much the better for it. It's a light read, and not one that will leave you deep in thought or desperate for the next issue. But as a humor book, it's one of the best out there. And at $1.99, it's more than worth the price of admission.

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Astro City (2013) #13

Jun 12, 2014

ASTRO CITY #13 is one more wonderfully fulfilling entry in a series of fantastic quality. If you're already a reader of ASTRO CITY, little more needs to be said in favor of this issue than that it is ASTRO CITY #13. But if you're a new reader, then this issue is as good a place to jump in as any. I assure you – you won't regret it.

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Astro City (2013) #14

Aug 14, 2014

I can say with no exaggeration that ASTRO CITY may be the best series on the shelves right now. If you have any interest in the nitty gritty details of a world with superheroes, if you have ever thought too much about the logistics of comic book universes, if you have ever wanted to see more than the usual perspectives on superhero worlds, or if you just want a good story, then ASTRO CITY is for you. If you're already reading, you won't be disappointed. If you're curious, then please, jump in – Astro City welcomes you.

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