Andrew's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Pop Break, GWW Reviews: 11
7.5Avg. Review Rating

Action Comics (2016) #989

Oct 25, 2017

Bogdanovic's pencils are strong at portraying scenes where action is prevalent. Luckily there is plenty of that to be had this issue, but his inconsistent facial work is still an issue. The real problem, however, is the contrast between his work and that of the art team from #988. DC's habit of holding to a bi-monthly schedule for their main books is definitely a blow to any aesthetic continuity between issues.

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Batman (2016) #33

Oct 25, 2017

Joelle Jones and Jordan Bellaire are on pencils and colors, respectively. Jones does an excellent job of capturing both the barren vistas of the desert and the interior of Wayne Mansion. There's not much action this issue for her to work with, but the intricate detais of her pencils is enough to hope for her to stick around for this arc. Jordan Bellaire brings out the best in her artwork with his vibrant colors. He does especially well in portraying the desert scenes. His colors bring a immediacy to each panel that helps anchor the entire issue.

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Deathstroke (2016) #1

Aug 24, 2016

Overall, this is another good book. I want fewer cutaway scenes in the next one. In the next issue, it would be wise for Priest to do a few pages of backstory and then cut to the present. The scene in the car did not seem to add anything to the story, unless I missed something. The artwork is incredible and helps to keep this book rated highly. As usual, I cannot wait for the next issue because I'm eager to know what happens next.

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Deathstroke: Rebirth #1

Aug 10, 2016

The parts I enjoyed are the action sequences, especially the reveal of who Deathstroke was tryinng to killand who Matthew was protecting. The last couple of pages when the action intensifies, the writing seems to take a turn for the better and there were a few surprises I did not see coming that were wonderfully written and for which the art was complemented.

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Eclipse #1

Sep 6, 2016

I enjoyed most of the writing and the main character reminded me of a several actors. The book was hampered by the artwork. It did not complement the writing well enough for me. I think the Solar Flare premise works and adds to the story-line throughout the book as it is an omnipresent antagonist itself. Characters need backgrounds so readers can get to know them. The book had a very good ending that makes me want to read the next issue. I really wanted to give this book a higher score but the book's artwork just prevented me from enjoying it as much as I wanted too.

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Flash (2016) #4

Aug 10, 2016

This is a great book, although I do not like to rely too heavily on investigation. I like to know what has already happened in the first few pages and I still felt a little lost and that is why I had to seek out issue 3. Overall I give the book a 7.5 based on the fact that it used a new concept that I had not heard of, "The Speed Force Storm" and a two new villains I haven't previouslyencountered, "Black Hole" and "Godspeed", and a few new character such as Det. Heart, Dr. Meena Dwahan, and Dr. Joseph Carver. I am looking forward to issue 5 to see whether or not they catch Godspeed and how the Flash continues to deal with so many speedsters.

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G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (2010) #231

Sep 4, 2016

I think this was an excellent issue. I really enjoyed the recap so I didn't have to guess or look up what had already happened in the past issue. I love the characters, especially Cutter, Torpedo, Shipwreck, and Deep-Six. I think Larry needs to add in some naval humor, but that may be hard to do and keep it all agesat the same time. I like the allure of this Black Major and his Rad Shadow who are new to me. The latter seems like a knockoff of the Crimson Guards. Maybe they washed out of the Crimson Guard Academy and this was their way of feeling validated. I really enjoyed not seeing Snake-Eyes or Storm Shadow. So if that is a spoiler, I apologize, but it gave the other Joes the spotlight which is never a bad thing.

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Green Arrow (2016) #4

Aug 4, 2016

Lastly, I want to read comic books that make me want to read the next issue in that series immediately and make the next two to four weeks feel like forever waiting for said issue. There should be a hook somewhere within the 21 pages of the book I am reading that tells me, "this is awesome!" I did not get that with this issue. As much of a DC apologist as I am I was hoping for more of a cliffhanger at the denouement. A little more action, a few more lines, and less whining about not being in the Justice League. (They will call, keep your chin up brother.) I will read the next issue, but I am not as excited as I was in the past for the next issue while I was reading the Mark Waid run of the Flash in the early 90s.

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Green Arrow (2016) #18

Mar 1, 2017

It's going to be very interesting to see where Benjamin Percy takes things next with Green Arrow.

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Supergirl: Rebirth #1

Aug 17, 2016

Overall, I think Supergirl has so much potential because of how well the writing was done on this initial issue. By not starting it off with her in a predicament that does not have her facing someone such as Darkseid in the first issue it allows the writer to build up to a greater threat in future issues. I know, he is Superman's main nemesis, I am only using him as an example. The one problem I had was with the canon and I mentioned that in my example above with Nightwing and Batman. If you were a fan of the Loeb, Churchill, & Rapmund run of Supergirl, I would recommend this run as well.

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Titans (2016) #7

Jan 11, 2017

Overall, I really enjoyed the book. I am starting to lose track again with how many times the Flash has died only to return. I am going to need to start using a flow chart on a dry erase board to keep track of everything.

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