Andy Hamilton's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Geeked Out Nation Reviews: 17
8.5Avg. Review Rating

Batgirl (2011) #29

Mar 15, 2014

Overall, Batgirl #29 is an immensely entertaining issue and when combined with #28 tells a story that any Babs fan will get a kick out of.

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Batgirl (2011) #30

Apr 12, 2014

Overall, this issue was fantastic. The issue didn't feel like filler and Babs was handled in a way that would make Gail Simone proud. Yet again, it's all of the little touches that Bennett throws in; right down to a Mario Kart reference, Babs is Babs and portrayed as the best possible version of herself. At the heart of Babs is a character who never stops being fun and optimistic even in the face of darkness. This issue is a great Batgirl story and a great comic.

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Batgirl (2011) #31

May 17, 2014

Overall, this was not a bad story but it wasn't the best in the series. It still held its own and Babs was still charming as ever (her increasing phobia of hospitals was a great little character touch). It was definitely worth reading and Batgirl fans shouldn't hesitate to pick it up.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #28

Feb 22, 2014

On an unrelated note, the last page of the issue teases what promises to be a very interesting story arc beginning next month; one that fans of the series and Bat-fans is general may want to pay close attention to because it could have effects upon the Bat Family as a whole.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #29

Mar 22, 2014

Since the master plan of Ra's al Ghul was not fully revealed this issue, I will remain optimistic that there is more depth to it than what we've seen so far. But based upon the information presented within this issue, I fear that the overall story arc may end up feeling a bit overdone and having a been-there-done-that type of vibe to it. So far, his motivations do not seem to be logical nor intriguing and they feel rather out of character for him. But on a side-note, while it's not the fault of this issue, I feel that Ra's is due for a line-spanning wardrobe upgrade because his costume is just very aesthetically unappealing and detracts from him as a character because he does not look like someone to be taken seriously; he has A LOT of man-cleavage showing. Overall, not the strongest issue to date, but it may prove to be rather enjoyable later down the road as the story progresses.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #30

Apr 19, 2014

Overall, this issue just comes across as filler. However, that's not to say that it was without its charms; the use of colors was a rather nice aspect and a nice nod because it had a particular emphasis on red and yellow, two of Robin's main colors. Combine that with the heavy use of green (Robin's third color), in last month's issue and it lends itself nicely to the graphic novel format. Regarding the graphic novel format, this issue may be more enjoyable in said format because it would work much better in a collective whole; as a standalone issue, it lacks that certain pizazz. Tomasi and Gleason have proven that they are more than capable of amazing work and it seems evident that this filler issue was produced most likely out of editorial necessity and is not an adequate representation of the series.

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Detective Comics (2011) #29

Mar 8, 2014

The only downside to the issue was that it repeated several items that readers will most like already know (assuming that they have also read issues #27 and #28).Which almost lent the story the feeling that perhaps it was being slightly dragged out. Also, unfortunately, we didn't get to see a whole lot of that spiffy white Gothtopia Bat-Suit.Overall, it was a satisfying issue to a satisfying arc and a fine farewell from John Layman to Detective Comics.

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Detective Comics (2011) #30

Apr 2, 2014

Overall, there just really isn't much not to like here. The only thing that I can really think of is that the dialogue between the “bad guys” didn't really feel very natural and came across as awkward. That, and the fact that this artwork is so unique feeling that if a substitute team is ever required to draw an issue, the difference may be jarring.

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Detective Comics (2011) #31

May 10, 2014

“Icarus” is shaping up to be one of the great tales of Batman lore and seems to be well on its way to joining Scott Snyder's “Black Mirror” as one of the best runs on Detective Comics in recent memory.

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Dexter's Laboratory #1

Apr 30, 2014

This comic just knocks it out of the park in almost every regard. Unfortunately, this is only a mini-series but will hopefully sell well enough to expand into an ongoing title.

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Dexter's Laboratory #2

May 24, 2014

Overall, Dexter's Laboratory #2 was a great issue that should be read by all Dexter fans and an issue that did very well to get fans primed and excited for the next issue.

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Rise of the Magi #1

Jun 4, 2014

While this issue could have been worse, it certainly could have been a lot better as well. As mentioned previously, it is a unique story overall and the series has potential.

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Samurai Jack #5

Mar 1, 2014

The only real complaint that I have against this issue is that it tried to cram in just a little too much content. This is the conclusion of the first major story arc of the series, the end of a quest, the icing on the cake; it's a pretty big deal and a lot was on the line. While it was still a very good story and a good comic book overall, it felt rushed to the point that it almost had the quality of a highlight reel for a very important sporting event or thePreviously On…section of a television show. However, this is only a problem because as a reader and a fan, this universe and these characters have grown on me and I simply want to take the time to enjoy them to their maximum potential.

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The Walking Dead #124

Mar 31, 2014

Overall, this issue makes it rather evident that the end is indeed nigh for this conflict. Negan has all of the characteristics of a Bond villain on the verge of defeat or a Game of Thrones villain on the verge of victory; he is getting increasingly cocky and bold and his enemies continue to weaken and yet remain a constant thorn in his side. Either way, it feels like the calm before the storm and major change will quite certainly be on its way within the issues that follow.

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The Walking Dead #125

Apr 12, 2014

While the final outcome of this arc feels rather evident by this point, there are still a few questions that remain to be answered. Most notably, the final fate and the true motivations of Dwight. Overall, this issue accomplished precisely what any penultimate chapter should aim for.

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The Walking Dead #126

Apr 26, 2014

Regarding the negative points, readers of this review will be fairly hard-pressed to find them. Predominantly because there aren't any. This was quite simply a perfect issue. It was a perfect conclusion to a long and intense storyline. It hit every note that it needed to and provided an open-endedness that will undoubtedly lead to great future entries in the series and yet still provided closure for the current story. It sets the precedent for how to conclude a story.

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The Walking Dead #127

May 17, 2014

Overall, this was a great issue. The only downside about it is that there are still so many unanswered questions and characters (such as Maggie,) that we did not get to see. These questions will undoubtedly be answered over the issues to come, so the only real negative aspect to them is keeping fans ridiculously anxious for the next issue.

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