Batman & Two-Face #28

Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Artist: Patrick Gleason, Mick Gray Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 19, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 10
7.8Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

"The Big Burn" concludes! In the final showdown, Batman, Two-Face and Erin McKillen fight for their lives against Gotham City's united Mafiosi!

  • 10
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers Feb 19, 2014

    I had no idea what to expect going into this story, and quite honestly, wasn't expecting to care for it all that much, but man... Did both Tomasi and Gleason deliver one hell of a Two-Face story. I'm all for Batman's rogues having a deeper tie to Batman than just the simple "they're the opposite of some element of Batman." That something that works, but really working out some meaningful ties between Batman and his rogues is what makes the rogue who's benefiting from those ties really great. When this arc started, I wasn't sure what to think of the changes being made to Harvey's origin, but then I began to see that they weren't simply New 52 changes for the sake of being new, and that's it... Then this issue happened, and really cemented the fact that some actual thought and reasoning went into the New 52 origin of Two-Face. Then when everything comes together, this finale just leaves you on a really high WTF note. This was one great story that I did not see coming.  Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill Feb 22, 2014

    So DC just killed off one of my favorite characters. But I'm not even mad. Here's why: Patrick Gleason just turned in the performance of his career with this entire issue, but the last several pages in particular. This was the best issue of the series so far. It was a complex and emotional roller coaster that never once flinched or looked back. It was daring from its premise all the way to its climax. And even though Two-Face is dead (for now, it's a comic book), I'm proud to say that this is the best comic I have read in years. And I should know" I've read it a dozen times since Wednesday. This is, in all ways, a perfect comic book. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Feb 22, 2014

    As a whole, the New 52 Harvey Dent origin came up short" there just wasn't enough Harvey Dent until the final chapter. But this issue proves that the re-imagining could have been great if Tomasi and his team had provided 1-2 more parts that paid greater attention to Harvey than his attacker, McKillen, who stole the show from "Batman & Two-Face" and had the greatest arc of them all. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    We The Nerdy - David Staniusz Feb 20, 2014

    Batman and ___ is a series that is in a state of constant flux, however with Tomasi and Gleason grinding out quality issues consistently, I for one am exited for the future. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Geeked Out Nation - Andy Hamilton Feb 22, 2014

    On an unrelated note, the last page of the issue teases what promises to be a very interesting story arc beginning next month; one that fans of the series and Bat-fans is general may want to pay close attention to because it could have effects upon the Bat Family as a whole. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Feb 20, 2014

    Batman and Two-Face #28 is bloated and at times rushed and messy, but it's also a story that's so bold, I can't believe DC actually went through with it Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Joey Garces Feb 21, 2014

    This was a great ending to a story arc that killed off an iconic character but offered us a glimpse of what could be. This issue will certainly get some buzz going around the DC community and will produce passionate arguments from those who loved and hated what occurred. Big changes were made to Harvey Dent's character, it amazed me at least how much detail went into Dent's story and how fantastic the direction as a whole went in. I'm always a fan of shockers and that's definitely what I got from this story, Johns and company performed beautifully in sending off Dent but at least we have "Forever Evil", where he's still around and kicking in there. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Feb 23, 2014

    After all the efforts of the past few issues, Tomasi winds up with a less than stellar ending, though it has its outstanding moments. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Following The Nerd - Sarah Barclay Feb 20, 2014

    This was a solid ending to this story, with a lot more emotions and tie-ins than previously expected. However, I know that Carrie Kelley was supposed to have a big part in this story, and clearly that was, for some reason, reduced to bumkiss. Regardless, Tomasi, Gleason and their squad continue to make this one of my favorite titles. And with the next arc being called 'The Hunt for Robin' I can't wait to see what they do next. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    IGN - Mike Logsdon Feb 19, 2014

    Patrick Gleason continues to provide the artistic backdrop to these Batman and Robin-less tales. Gleason has a lot to illustrate in this issue, but he makes sure to put everything he has into the scenes with the most emotional and action-packed moments. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Feb 20, 2014

    Peter J. Tomasi finished the Batman and Two-Face story with a bang and while I liked the overall story, this issue was far from perfect.  After pushing Erin McKillen on the reader like a mother trying to get her daughter married, she exits with a whimper.  I really enjoyed Gleason's art in this issue especially the long fight scene.  The ending seemed set up for shock value and I don't think it will stick in the future.  Still I'll recommend this issue for readers of the arc and the arc in general for those interested in a new Two-Face story. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Feb 19, 2014

    Long-time readers may be rolling their eyes at yet another team-up between Batman and Two-Face. As he has done so throughout this arc though, Tomasi reminds us that this is a new Batman universe with new takes on familiar origin stories and surprises still waiting at the flip of every coin or the turn of every cowl. Such is the case with this meeting of Batman and Two-Face. This five-part story has been intense and enjoyable, but Tomasi does a fine job of wrapping things up without drawing the story to a close. "Batman and Two-Face" #28 is another fine installment in the adventures of Batman and those he encounters as he continues to find his path. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Feb 20, 2014

    So long, Harvey Dent. You were my favorite Bat-villain, although I'm surprisingly fine with watching you go. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Michael Moccio Feb 24, 2014

    If nothing else, this arc can be remembered as the time Tomasi and Gleason chose to do something so drastic and bold, readers can't help but remembering the story. By the end, though, they didn't do enough to earn that ending " by the end of the story, Harvey could have gone either way, and the way Tomasi went seemed like a decision he wouldn't have made. Maybe Tomasi flipped a coin to decide Two-Face's fate " either way, it'll be interesting to see if DC maintains this status quo with one of their most iconic villains. It'll be even more interesting to see if DC decides to let the Boy Wonder return in The Hunt for Robin - let's just say next month's issue can't come soon enough. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Feb 19, 2014

    Love or hate what goes down, this is an undeniably massive issue for Two-Face and it's certain to get some very passionate conversations going. However, the forceful nature of this issue's developments are countered by the fact that Dent didn't feel like a big player in this story -- at least not to me, that is. It feels like a somewhat abrupt conclusion with Dent and that the truly critical elements with him were saved up until the very end. Regardless, opinions are certain to be mixed on this one and I find myself primarily left down the middle on it, but at least most of us are likely to agree that Gleason and company created some legitimately commendable images in this issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Feb 22, 2014

    While I didn't feel like they quite nailed the tone that they wanted in the courtroom scenes, it was a bit shocking to hear Harvey calling Batman “Bruce”, and the ending (which is certainly spoiled half a dozen places already) does seem to make this an important story in the Two-Face canon, I don't think everything is entirely as it seems. Remember, this is set in a world where the Joker had his face ripped off in issue #1, only to return a stronger threat than ever. Batman And Two-Face #28 is loud where it could be subtle, gruesome where it could be artistic, and chockfull of bathos, but still hits enough strong notes to earn 3 out of 5 stars overall. Tomasi is a good writer, exploring interesting themes, but his volume seems to be stuck on eleven, which damages the drama he's trying to establish…Share this:TwitterFacebookGoogleRedditTumblrEmailMoreLinkedInStumbleUponPrintDiggPinterest Read Full Review

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