Curtis Crandall's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Geeked Out Nation Reviews: 6
8.0Avg. Review Rating

Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #10

Nov 6, 2013

There is nothing really that excites about this issue other than it being another chapter in the Prisoners of Time anniversary series. The story is mediocre at best, and the art is only slightly better than the story unless it is a close up and you can really see the detail that the artist has worked to put in. If I wasn't already involved in the series, I can't say that I would pick this up. However since I am, I'll lay down my cash for it and hope that next month's issue is better.

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Kiss Kids #3

Oct 30, 2013

I believe the downfall of this book is that they are trying too hard to cram as much material in a few pages as possible without there being an overriding theme. There was nothing there to tie the stories together in order to make one cohesive arc.

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My Little Pony Annual: 2013 #1

Oct 30, 2013

As this review ends, take a particularly insightful statement made by a pony who isn't normally known for being a fount of knowledge with you. Rarity says, "We all need a little kindness every now and then." Remember that as you go about your day and if you see someone struggling, pass a little along to them. You never know how it may affect them and you.

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My Little Pony Micro Series #9

Nov 16, 2013

The issue was entertaining for the most part, but in my opinion the story seemed rushed. True enough, the creatures evolved quickly which would lead to the societal evolution being quick as well, but it all escalated too quickly. I realize that is a comic for young children involving magic, talking ponies, friendly dragons and brine shrimp that become self-aware and realistic expectations can't be placed on the story. Personally, it was a "meh" issue. I haven't had the chance to get my daughter's input as to what she thought about it yet, so I won't be featuring her in this review. I may make an addendum if I get a chance to read it with her soon.

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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #12

Nov 2, 2013

If you aren't already sharing this gem of a series with your own My Little Pony fan, then start now!

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Star Trek: Khan #2

Nov 15, 2013

I see the bridge that Orci, Johnson and the team are building from the original series episode "Space Seed" and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan to the current continuity and I am not yet disappointed. They are taking their time telling the story while creating questions and answering others at the same time. The transitional elements aren't noticeable as they switch artists from present day to the past and the talent pool with this creative team runs deep. I looked for something negative to say in this issue, but just could not find a single thing to earn a complaint. I can't wait until the next issue!

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