Eric Thompson's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: DC Comics News Reviews: 7
6.6Avg. Review Rating

Green Lantern (2011) #25

Nov 11, 2013

The first half of the book is solid. The tension between the Green Lanterns is something that needs to be explored more, with more characters questioning Hal Jordans ability to lead. When the book transitions to the outside threat, it loses momentum even though there are few nice moments, like the female Braidman hitting on Kilowog. Green Lantern #25 certainly isnt the best weve seen from the new creative team, but it isnt a horrible book either. It does exactly what it needs to do in setting up a new story arc, but does very little else.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #20

May 26, 2013

The artwork was nice, and the writing wasnt poor, it was just lacking any sort of forward movement. Perhaps that was what Tomasi was going for, going at a different pace compared to what we have seen thus far, taking a moment to reflect and collect ourselves before entering into the next stage of the comic. For what it is worth, Green Lantern New Guardians #20 did a much better job of this. I also wish that the book had been released with the rest of the Green Lantern books, but that is being incredibly nitpicky and Ive been negative enough on this review.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #21

Jun 14, 2013

This was a great debut for our new creative team. We have new villains, new characters, and a new take on several characters weve known for quite some time. This team has so much potential (both the creative team and our current Green Lantern Corps) that I cant wait for #22.

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Red Lanterns #20

May 28, 2013

I really enjoyed this issue and I like that Milligan left a lot of room for the new writer to take all of the characters wherever he wants to go. It was a pretty neat wrap-up for a run that doesnt get as much credit as it deserves. If only he had put a bird on it. He may have tried, but Id guess Dex-Starr ate it.

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Red Lanterns #21

Jun 28, 2013

Peter Milligan and company did a great job of leaving a blank slate for the new creative team and Charles Soule and Alessandro Vitti did a great job introducing their styles into the world of Red Lanterns. The team brings a lot of excitement to the table, and we arent just saying that because of the exclusive interview Mr. Soule gave us ( Across the board, the new creative teams knocked it out of the park with their debuts. It looks like exciting times are coming to Ysmault and Oa.

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The Movement #2

Jun 5, 2013

We're only two issues in, so it will take some time for The Movement to get really good, but the series has a lot of potential. It was a decent enough read if you have a few bucks to blow. For that alone, it deserves 3 stars.

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The Movement #3

Jul 11, 2013

Once again, The Movement comes across as very strong. The idea behind the comic is great and feels a bit unique for a mainstream comic. A breath of fresh air is always welcome, as long as it is done right, and so far The Movement has been firing on most cylinders.

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