Green Lantern Corps #20

Event\Storyline: Wrath of the First Lantern Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Artist: Scott Hanna, Fernando Pasarin Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 8, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 5
7.2Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

WRATH OF THE FIRST LANTERN epilogue! In the aftermath of their battle against the First Lantern and the Guardians, its up to Guy Gardner, John Stewart and the other survivors to try to put the Corps back together, or decide if there should even BE a Corps anymore. Join Peter Tomasi and Fernando Pasarin for the epic conclusion of their run!

  • 10
    Blog Of Oa - Myron Rumsey May 24, 2013

    Despite playing second fiddle to Geoff Johns, Peter Tomasi and Fernando Pasarin's run on Green Lantern Corps has been spectacular despite living in the shadow of the flagship title. While I would have liked the team to have been given more pages to wrap up their run, I can't find fault with the creative choices made to focus on John and Guy since this really has been their title. While they don't share this issue equally, both John and Guy are given satisfying closure and put in a place where the new creative teams have nothing holding them back from going in whatever direction they want. My thanks to both Tomasi and Pasarin for giving this old Green Lantern fan so many great moments over the years. Read Full Review

  • 10
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes May 13, 2013

    This is my pick of the week for best book. Beautiful, wonderful perfection. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen May 10, 2013

    Joshua Hale Fialkov and Bernard Chang are respectable creators, but I will miss the qualities Tomasi and Pasarin brought to this series. While this issue is not the ideal finish to their run, it does display all the strengths that made their run as a whole so enjoyable. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    IGN - Melissa Grey May 8, 2013

    Fernando Pasarin's pencils are at their finest during the scene on Mogo, where Scott Hanna's inks and Gabe Eltaeb's colors combine in a lush vibrant wellspring of details. A few of Pasarin's facial expressions are a little off but the art is otherwise pretty solid. Now that the First Lantern is behind us -- good riddance -- hopefully Green Lantern Corps can move on to something more gripping next issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder May 8, 2013

    I complain about a myopic, almost tunnel vision that Guy Gardner gets in this book, but it's still an entertaining book, and an incredibly well-drawn one to boot. But I have a hard time looking past the fact that it's become much less of a team book and much more focused on one single Green Lantern, who also happens to be the one I find most obnoxious and unbearable. The reason he and Stewart work so well together is that Stewart is there to keep a level head and look at the things objectively and intelligently while Gardner acts on instinct and flies off the handle. Without that grounding, he's left to his own devices and that's just not as interesting. That combined with the completely backwards release schedule makes this one hard to recommend to anyone not already heavily invested in the series and character. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Booked - Derreck Mayer May 9, 2013

    Between the lackluster issue and all of the push for the new creative teams, I'm actually heavily looking forward to #21 rather than feeling nostalgic for the current team. From a marketing perspective, that seems like the perfect plan. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    DC Comics News - Eric Thompson May 26, 2013

    The artwork was nice, and the writing wasnt poor, it was just lacking any sort of forward movement. Perhaps that was what Tomasi was going for, going at a different pace compared to what we have seen thus far, taking a moment to reflect and collect ourselves before entering into the next stage of the comic. For what it is worth, Green Lantern New Guardians #20 did a much better job of this. I also wish that the book had been released with the rest of the Green Lantern books, but that is being incredibly nitpicky and Ive been negative enough on this review. Read Full Review

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