Derreck Mayer's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Booked Reviews: 39
7.8Avg. Review Rating

Batman Beyond Universe #1

Aug 25, 2013

Overall, I like this new series and am excited to get back into the Batman Beyond time frame. I'm a little disappointed that some of the story relies on events that occurred in other publications not because I don't want more to read but because I wasn't aware of their connection prior to Batman Beyond Universe #1 being released. I am now going to check out Batman Beyond: 10,000 Clowns, which is a graphic novel, and Batman Beyond 2.0. Both are referenced in this issue and I'm curious how deeply the stories are tied together. Hopefully I'll be able to knock them out before next month's issue and I'll have a better understanding of Batman Beyond Universe.

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Dinosaurs Attack! #1

Jul 21, 2013

As a first issue,Dinosaurs Attack! #1 does a good job bringing me into this universe and I already care a little bit about the main two characters. I'm hooked and curious what will happen next not only to those on the Prometheus but also those down on Earth where dinosaurs are roaming free.

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Dinosaurs Attack! #2

Aug 26, 2013

Overall, this fun throwback series is an exciting way to experience the 80′s and sci-fi together. I hope that other series put out reprints for their anniversaries so I can continue to see what comic books were like just as I was being born (I was born in 1987… just FYI).Dinosaurs Attack! brings, ironically, a fresh and new experience to readers like me and I look forward to the next issue where, I assume, we will begin to fight back!

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Green Lantern (2011) #20

May 25, 2013

In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might, beware my power… Green Lantern's light.

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Green Lantern (2011) #21

Jun 8, 2013

“In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might, beware my power – Green Lantern's light!”

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Green Lantern (2011) #22

Jul 4, 2013

At the end of the day, Green Lantern #22 continues the aftermath of "Wrath of the First Lantern" well. We get to see some old and new friends while battling the strange Agent Orange. The new recruits might also help shape the future of the Corps. And, as the issue ends, it appears we have just gained another enemy thanks to a bad decision by a Green Lantern. I look forward to the next issue as Venditti and his team continue to settle in as the new creative group for Green Lantern.

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Green Lantern (2011) #23

Aug 8, 2013

Overall, Green Lantern #23 is a really solid issue. It continues to push the plot forward while keeping the overarching feeling dark and depressed. This is not a happy time to be a Green Lantern and there is no question that harder times are ahead. In fact, this issues references the next issue which is numbered #23.1. This story arc will cover the Relic which is a serious threat discovered in last month's Green Lantern: New Guardians issue. Green Lantern #23 is a must read for any Green Lantern fan and it's also a good starting point for those wishing to jump on the bandwagon. Enough of the back story is explained that not much will be missed for a new comer.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #20

May 9, 2013

Between the lackluster issue and all of the push for the new creative teams, I'm actually heavily looking forward to #21 rather than feeling nostalgic for the current team. From a marketing perspective, that seems like the perfect plan.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #21

Jun 12, 2013

Overall, I think this is a solid first issue for Venditti and his creative team. It will be difficult to hit the level we found ourselves at during the climaxes found in the "Wrath of the First Lantern" story but I don't think they have to. Venditti is left with a wide open Green Lantern universe and I think he and his team will have fun taking us to new places within it. I will say that this issue isn't quite as compelling as Green Lantern #21 but it isn't far behind. I'm definitely excited to see where things go and what the future of the Green Lantern Corps holds.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #22

Jul 14, 2013

Overall, the issue is fairly standard. A few new plot points come up but nothing earth shattering. We tie up a few lose ends from the fight with Larfleeze but again, nothing terribly significant. Of course, not all issues can be groundbreaking and pivotal but my hope is that we are leading to some big reveal moments in the near future. I'm looking for the ring malfunctions to be explained by issue #2425 or else that will begin to get a little annoying since the rings seem to fail or work is convenient for the story.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #23

Aug 15, 2013

Overall, this issue isn't groundbreaking but it definitely adds new depth and detail to an already compelling, intense story arc. The new enemy is devious, intelligent and incredibly powerful all while we get a closer look at why the power rings are failing. The intensity and sharpness of the illustrations add to the compelling nature of the story as a whole. While the story is interesting, the illustrations add the emotion and pressure that is hard to convey in simple dialogue. I can definitely see that Jensen, Venditti, Chang and team are leading up to a very big event. Being in the wake of "Wrath of the First Lantern" certainly means they have some majorly big shoes to fill but I have no doubt that they will pull it off with flying colors. If the "Relic" and "Lights Out" story arcs are anything like the issues leading to them, we haven nothing to worry about.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #20

May 26, 2013

In the end, I don't think this will be a very memorable issue but it does provide an ending. Personally, and note that I feel a similar way about Green Lantern Corps #20, I feel like this issue was only created because the creative team needed a final issue and the true ending and action came in the primary series, Green Lantern. However, since a primary story has ended and a new creative team is joining us, I think I will continue to read this series, maybe even pick up the collected volumes to catch up. I always liked Rayner, though he wasn't my favorite Green Lantern, and I'm curious what things are like as a White Lantern, in control of the entire emotional spectrum.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #21

Jun 20, 2013

For those of you interested in the Green Lantern universe, I recommend checking outGreen Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, Green Lantern: New Guardians, Red Lanternsand the new series,Larfleeze, focusing on theOrange Lantern.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #22

Jul 21, 2013

I don't wish to spoil anything, so I won't say where I think things are going, but I do feel like Jordan and his creative team are bringing us to a new story arc that will make waves in series other than its own. Green Lantern: New Guardians has the ability to tie all of the Light Corps together and with our well known Lanterns in their own respective series now, it's about time they meet up for something big! I look forward to the next issue, especially the continuation of the Relic story. I want to know what Relic's abilities are and what Relic's true intentions will be on a universal scale.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #23

Aug 25, 2013

Overall, Green Lantern: New Guardians #23 is an exciting issue that goes to a few fairly dark places. If I have any complaints at all, it would be that the issue moves a little too quickly. I don't feel like the reader is given enough time to fully digest what is happening and take on the full emotional impact of it. With that said, Justin Jordan is clearly setting us up for a large event that will shape the future of this universe. A lot has happened since "The Wrath of the First Lantern" and with the old Guardians replaced, there is no telling what the New Guardians will do, especially once you read this issue. In the end, it is very fitting that Relic sought the Blue Lanterns first.

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Injustice: Gods Among Us #5

May 31, 2013

As long as you are going into this issue and series with the mindset that this is a comic book series based on a fight-style video game from the creators of Mortal Kombat, it's a lot of fun. In the end, I think Injustice: Gods Among Us #5 is starting to pull the picture together and things are becoming clearer. I expect the sides to solidify over the next couple of issues and then I'm excited to see where Tom Taylor and his creative team take things.

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Injustice: Gods Among Us #6

Jun 29, 2013

This is a must read for DC Comics fans.

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Injustice: Gods Among Us #7

Aug 1, 2013

With that said,Injustice #7 is a very solid issue that was necessary to push the story forward. Since all of this takes place prior to the game, I'm not sure how many issues DC is expecting to pump out before the story catches up with the game, but after several issues focusing primarily on action, it was time for a more story-oriented issue. As someone who plays the game and really enjoyed the Story Mode, I am also truly enjoying this series. It's definitely a break from standard DC canon, as it were, but I love seeing all of these heroes and villains. I especially like seeing new team ups and alliances forming. I hope they continue the comic book series into the game's story time line and show the story mode within the comic book. It would be exciting to read all of that and maybe even see what happens shortly after the game ends.

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Injustice: Gods Among Us #10

Oct 27, 2013

Overall, the series is kicking it into high gear. While it's had no shortage of action, violence, death and destruction, this issue continues to ramp up the tension. I feel like any upcoming issue could just tear thins apart, leaving nothing behind but rubble. I love this series, honestly. It's fun, exciting and unique. It allows us to see a different side to our characters (well some of them… Batman is basically the same) while looking into an alternate timeline, the Earth that could have been. Being a fan of the video game, I'm curious, again without giving anything away, if they will tie in any of the game's additional story lines in coming issues. In the end, if you haven't read this series yet, go pick it up. It's definitely entertaining.

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Larfleeze #1

Jun 26, 2013

Overall, this is an interesting issue and series concept. They have taken a fairly unknown, outcast character and provided his own series. Many would have liked to see spin offs for other Lanterns from various parts of the emotional spectrum, perhaps a Blue Lantern Corps series for example. With that said, I wouldn't overlookLarfleeze. I think this series can certainly surprise us because we know so little about this part of the emotional spectrum but greed is something all of us can relate to. If you haven't been greedy yourself, you certainly know others who have been. To build on that, Larfleeze is not a hero in the traditional sense. He is a villain himself. He was a thief and a killer before he came upon the Orange Battery. Now he is the same person but with a very powerful weapon, one he can use against the Green Lanterns and the other Corps. We've had Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, Guy Gardner and John Stewart butLarfleeze is a whole different animal.

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Larfleeze #2

Jul 26, 2013

At the end of the day,Larfleeze #2 is a better issue than the first. The series is unique but still exists in the Green Lantern universe, which is a positive for me. If you enjoyed the first issue, keep reading; it's worth it. If you were on the fence, pick this one up anyway. I think you'll see that Giffen and his team have some big plans for the series and based on the ending of this issue, I'm very excited to see where things go.

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Red Lanterns #22

Aug 3, 2013

“With blood and rage of crimson red, ripped from a corpse so freshly dead, together with our hellish hate, we'll burn you all – that is your fate!”

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Saga #13

Aug 17, 2013

Overall,Saga #13 is a solid way for the series to return. In just thirteen issueschapters, Brian and Fiona have put together a stunning world with compelling characters to follow. I am constantly on the edge of my seat because who knows what crazy creature, alien or situation our heroes will bump into next! This issue is really good but the series is stellar!Saga is a must read for the adult sci-fifantasy lovers out there. You won't be disappointed.

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Satellite Sam (2013) #1

Jul 6, 2013

Overall, this new series is unique and compelling. I'm so used to the standard superhero genre, that Satellite Sam is a welcome break from fantasy back to reality, well, of the 1950"s. The end of the issue leaves a lot open to speculation and I do not wish to spoil anything here but Fraction and Chaykin have created a very complex world. There is definitely a lot more going on than a simple sci-fi show and placing the series in the 1950"s opens things up for your classic gangster and detective stories. Even with the at times confusing dialogue due to format, Satellite Sam #1 is a must read for anyone looking for a unique, fresh and adult level comic book series. I look forward to #2!

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Satellite Sam (2013) #3

Sep 8, 2013

Overall, it's an interesting series but the pace and dialogue issues need to be resolved sooner rather than later. I'm all for unique, non-superhero stories but I need more consistency and a quicker pace. One thing I truly appreciate is that at the beginning of the second and third issues, Fraction and Chaykin put a picture and bio of the primary characters. This is a great way to review who we will be seeing and what relationships exist in the series. I hope they continue this. On a final note, the cover art for these issues, especially this one, have been fantastic. They are in color and do a great job of capturing the nature of the series in a single frame. This leads me to believe that the series would thrive just fine in standard color, which would make the dialogue easier to follow.

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Star Trek #20

May 8, 2013

Overall, I think this is a fun issue that prepares the reader nicely for the new film. I'm definitely looking forward the next issue.

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Star Trek #21

May 31, 2013

For someone like me, a person who has watched Star Trek in some form since being born, it's really impressive how solid this series and especially this issue is. As things built up to the movie, Star Trek Ongoing focused on character back stories and the Countdown to Darkness series gave us some background for the film. Now the comic book can stand on its own again with no movie looming over it and I couldn't be happier. This issue clearly shows that the franchise is in good hands with Johnson and Fajar. Of course, Roberto Orci is still the Story Consultant, meaning things should still stay in line with the vision for the future of the franchise whether it be films, videos games or (fingers crossed) TV shows.

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Star Trek #22

Jun 29, 2013

Overall, this is a very short issue. The story does not progress very much though we do learn some interesting nuggets about our Roluman and Klingon enemies. I was disappointed at the length. I read close to a dozen different comic book series and this issue felt like one of the big ones but as I've noted, it's a very quick read. Star Trek #22 lacks density but I suppose not every issue can reveal something Earth shattering. Part of the lack of depth for this issue might have to do with its focus on Spock's Pon Farr. As an avid TrekkierTrekker, this is old news to me but the Roluman and Klingon story lines are unique due to the altered time line. If the series begins to focus on those plots more, then I think each issue will feel denser and more intense.

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Star Trek #23

Jul 26, 2013

So, we have a fairly solid issue in that there isn't a lot to complain about. The story is consistent and the resolution is interesting while the higher level plot is continued. With that said, the last three issues have been fairly lackluster for me and I'm hoping that now Mike Johnson and his team will be able to expand beyond Star Trek Into Darkness and we can truly begin the "Five Year Mission".

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Star Trek #24

Aug 18, 2013

Overall, this is one I'm not impressed with. The story is extremely light, weak and fast. The plot moves but it's unclear why or where we are going. The illustrations are too high level and not detailed enough. This is a series that has had some truly strong, fantastic issues but Star Trek Ongoing #24 is not one of them.

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Star Trek #26

Oct 27, 2013

Overall, the series has gotten better since the film. Now that the creative team is free to explore strange new worlds, as it were, they are open to new ideas and more complex stories. I feel like the series was handcuffed by the sequel for far too long. While the character specific issues were fun, we are finally getting into the meat of the Enterprise and her crew. Sure, they haven't gone on their Five Year Mission just yet but I think a war between the three strongest factions of the quadrant will surely keep them busy for quite some time. Additionally, it's really cool seeing how the first two Abrams films are affecting the prime timeline. We have seen so many changes and "The Khitomer Conflict" will certainly not be the last, I'm sure.

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Star Wars (2013) #5

May 9, 2013

Overall, this issue does a great job moving the story forward on all three major fronts while keeping the action at full throttle. This is one of the few comic book series that leaves me dying to find out what happens next. Needless to say, I'm pumped for issue #6 next month!

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Star Wars (2013) #6

Jun 13, 2013

Brian Wood has done a solid job with the story and I feel like he is building up to something fairly big in the near future. At this stage, he has really needed to show us the Star Wars universe as proof that he knows what he is doing but I don't think he needs to do that anymore. After six issues, I am hooked on this series and can't wait to see what happens next.

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Star Wars (2013) #7

Jul 14, 2013

At this stage, the series is stalling just a tad as far as momentum is concerned. Several plot points have been announced but the exploration of them is a bit slow. I'm hoping that the pace will pick back up again when Han Solo rejoins the Rebels but we will have to see what Brian Wood has in store for us.

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Star Wars (2013) #8

Aug 15, 2013

Overall, if you haven't been reading this series, you are missing out! If you have been reading, Star Wars #8 will not let you down. I'm very excited to see what happens next and I'm curious how the story will change once our primary characters (Luke, Solo, Leia, etc) come back together and stand on the same ship again.

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Star Wars (2013) #9

Sep 14, 2013

Overall, this issue continues four of the five plot arcs that have been running. It's amazing how smoothly all of these stories run in tandem without confusion or shallowness. The stories continue to be interesting and compelling while the overall intensity seems to shift between a couple of the stories each issue, providing some calm between the storms, if you will. The illustrations maintain their powerful, sharp and accurate style, continuing to be impressive. As I've said in previous reviews, if you haven't read this series yet, please do so.

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The Star Wars: Lucas Draft #1

Sep 8, 2013

Overall, The Star Wars #1 is an interesting and compelling first issue. It paves the way for the remaining nine issues that in all, will tell George Lucas' original story. While yes, this issue focused primarily on set up and meet and greets, this was necessary in order to ensure that we do not assume who the characters are. Just because a character has a name we are familiar with, we shouldn't assume this character is anything like the one on the big screen. I'm excited for the next issue and hope that somewhere down the line, Dark Horse expands on this universe.

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The Wake #1

May 31, 2013

Overall, The Wake #1 is a very interesting issue. It has left me very curious about the opening setting and if we will return to it soon. The end of the issue has left me wanting more which is really the most you can ask out of a comic book. The characters piqued my interest and I am concerned we won't have time to explore them enough in just ten issues.

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The Wake #2

Jun 27, 2013

All in all, the story is beginning to come together and the back storyThe Wake #2 provides definitely helps solidify what has happened and why our characters were chosen. As long as some of the scene jumps are explained in the next couple of issues, this series continues to be very unique, powerful and intriguing.The Wakecontinues to be a refreshing break from the standard comic books I read. I am looking forward to next month's issue. I wish it wasn't such a short series.

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