"WRATH OF THE FIRST LANTERN" epilogue! As a White Lantern, Kyle played a crucial role in the battle against the First Lantern and the Guardians. But a loss they suffered in the battle has left Kyle devastated, throwing off the control he had over the entire emotional spectrum. Has his time as a White Lantern ended before it's truly begun? Find out in the conclusion of Tony Bedard's run!
A perfect conclusion. Read Full Review
Green Lantern: New Guardians #20 is a fitting end to Tony Bedard's tenure as the guiding hand of the series. While the issue lacks a driving plot to wrap around the great character exploration it is a fitting bookend for the title as part of the Johns era. Four out of five lanterns. Read Full Review
Lately, the series hasn't quite lived up to its promise of capitalizing on the diverse group of Lanterns that make up the erstwhile team. Issue #20 briefly touches on the possible mashup of Lanterns from the full range of the emotional spectrum as if pointing at the missed opportunity to anything interesting with them. While it's nice to see Kyle Rayner deal with his problems in a way that feels authentic, it would be nicer if it was supported by the meat of a decent plot. Read Full Review
I am sure that we will get back to some type of universe ending peril soon, but this month we got a little back-story tour. The art is really nice and we do get to see a variety of characters drawn in this one book. Unfortunately, the issue is not that entertaining. Nothing really happens here. On the plus side, if you are trying to get someone to start reading New Guardians this may be a perfect place to start as the new reader will get everything that they need to know in one issue. Read Full Review
This is still a good book and well worth reading, particularly for fans of the character and the series in general, but it rang just a little too hollow in the end to fully recommend to without reservation. Still, this creative team has been great to read, and they leave plenty for the next team to either pick up or ignore as they see fit and at its best it gave us some truly memorable and unique moments with a character I love. Read Full Review
In the end, I don't think this will be a very memorable issue but it does provide an ending. Personally, and note that I feel a similar way about Green Lantern Corps #20, I feel like this issue was only created because the creative team needed a final issue and the true ending and action came in the primary series, Green Lantern. However, since a primary story has ended and a new creative team is joining us, I think I will continue to read this series, maybe even pick up the collected volumes to catch up. I always liked Rayner, though he wasn't my favorite Green Lantern, and I'm curious what things are like as a White Lantern, in control of the entire emotional spectrum. Read Full Review
New Guardians is not a great comic, and unfortunately Bedard is leaving the series without ever really making a major impact. I don't hold Bedard completely accountable, though, because he was clearly wrangled into writing a series that tied in with Johns' plans for Green Lantern. One would hope, however, that the final issue of a creative team would have more sticking power. Hopefully, the series, freed from its constraints, will pick up in the future and provide readers with some interesting stories of Kyle's role as a Read Full Review