Red Lanterns #21

Writer: Charles Soule Artist: Alessandro Vitti Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 26, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 5
7.8Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Its recruitment time for the Red Lanterns, and no one in the universe is safe...especially with the most volatile Green Lantern, Guy Gardner, suddenly in their corner! But why has Guy turned his back on his own Corps?

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Jul 2, 2013

    The best comics are the ones that make you go “Why didn't they do that before?” Indeed, this is that book. Read Full Review

  • 9.1
    Analog Addiction - Tony Couto Jun 29, 2013

    Red Lanterns #21 is a wonderful shake up for a series that needed one badly. With engaging characterizations, and perfect use of comedy, Soule and Vitti show us how much fun it can be, to be one of the bad guys. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Jun 27, 2013

    The art on the comic is probably the weakest point. It's not that it's bad or anything, it's just not nearly as good as the story. It's extremely heavy on the inking, which works well in some parts to make some characters more intimidating, but in other parts its overdone. The worlds and characters are drawn well, but everyone seems to have small faces and the facial expressions are rather limited, with Atrocitus being a rather bad example. The coloring also feels flat in some parts. None of this ruins the comic, but it's not making it any better. 8.5 The writing is very strong.A new and far more interesting direction for the title.The artwork could use a bit more refinement.Not a lot happens.A bit wordy from time to time. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Jun 26, 2013

    Having read all four continuing Lantern titles this month, I think Red Lanterns stands as the best companion piece to Vendittis Green Lantern, almost a dark parallel to Hals journey as new leader of a Corps he didnt want, but is in fact perfect to command. All four books managed to prove that there is indeed life after Johns for the Green Lantern universe, but from my perspective, Soule is accomplishing a great feat in renewing my faith in a title I had long left behind me. Im already looking forward to where this title is taking my favorite rogue Lantern. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Population Go - Population Go Staff Jun 28, 2013

    So I've praised the hell out of this book. The issue was a very solid beginning, and while the weak parts with the Red Corps brought it down a bit, even if it was purposeful, I can tell this is going to shape up to me a truly interesting title going forward, and anyone who's a fan of Guy Gardner really should be reading this title. Also, for following up a tough act on Swamp Thing and making Red Lanterns an actual good comic, Charles Soule is officially on my radar. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Eric Thompson Jun 28, 2013

    Peter Milligan and company did a great job of leaving a blank slate for the new creative team and Charles Soule and Alessandro Vitti did a great job introducing their styles into the world of Red Lanterns. The team brings a lot of excitement to the table, and we arent just saying that because of the exclusive interview Mr. Soule gave us ( Across the board, the new creative teams knocked it out of the park with their debuts. It looks like exciting times are coming to Ysmault and Oa. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Blog Of Oa - Myron Rumsey Jun 26, 2013

    All the issues this month have done a wonderful job of bridging the gap for long time readers while remaining new reader friendly for anyone picking up one of the titles for the first time.   Red Lanterns #21 is a great re-introduction to the series for those who stayed away during Peter Milligan's run on the book and for those of us who took that journey we are rewarded with a great reminder of the potential that this series has.  Four out of five lanterns. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jun 29, 2013

    On another note, I hope Rankorr sticks around. Milligan treated the character like garbage, even though Milligan created him. But Rankorr has so much potential. Out of all the new colored Lantern Corps that Geoff Johns created, Rankorr is the only human to join any of their ranks. Aside from Carol Ferris, who was a Star Sapphire for years, Rankorr is the only new human character to join one of the new Lantern Corps. He has so much potential! So it's disheartening to see the Red Lanterns gang up and try to kill him in Soule's first issue. I really, really hope Soule comes up with something fun and interesting for Rankorr. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 26, 2013

    Alessandro Vitti's artwork doesn't fall too far outside the boundaries established by previous Red Lanterns artists. Vitti's style can vary quite a bit depending on the inker and colorist. Here, the inks lend everything a harsh, jagged edge that suit the Ysmault scenes well, but the Oa scenes less so. My larger concern is that Vitti's facial work doesn't display a great degree of emotion, and that's a critical flaw for a series starring characters driven by pain and rage. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Jun 27, 2013

    All in all, "Red Lanterns" #21 is a solidly constructed start for the new direction of this title. Soule defines the motivation for the title and the Red Lanterns, maps out their mission and identifies just why Guy Gardner is involved. Of the new directions for the Lantern titles that I've paid interest to (and reviewed) "Red Lanterns" #21 is the best of the bunch. There's room for improvement and growth, but at least the story is interesting and the art is solid. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Multiversity Comics - Vince Ostrowski Jun 28, 2013

    Better for Guy Gardner to land here, than to spend time doing more of the same over in “Green Lantern Corps” – a title that needed a fresh, new direction just as much as this one did. It's also better for Atrocitus to go back to playing a supporting villain, than to traipse around making speeches as the lead character. There's an opportunity for Charles Soule to develop new power struggles in a title that had no true antagonist or direction. He's not entirely there yet, but if Soule is aiming for the Sons of Anarchy feel that he says he is, then he and Vitti look like they might be at the very least pointed in the right direction. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics: The Gathering - mahargen Jun 26, 2013

    There was a lot of mediocre in this installment with a touch of great. There’s enough substance to keep Green Lantern fans coming back, but with now five titles in the Green Lantern family thanks to this week’s debut of Larfleeze the Orange Lantern’s solo title, there is some healthy competition for sales. I really want to see the creative teams stepping up to make sure readers are keeping their books on their pull lists. Read Full Review

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