Henry Wong's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: We The Nerdy Reviews: 7
8.0Avg. Review Rating

Birthright #13

Jan 18, 2016

I have high hopes for the rest of this comic, and I look forward to following up on its wonderfully plotted course. The art work and writing have been superb so far, and there have not been any scenes that were explicitly filler. This week's issue has also set a nice precedent for what we should expect in future battle-oriented issues.

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Dragon Age: Magekiller #1

Dec 21, 2015

As a first issue, it sets great precedence for what the Dragon Age universe should look and feel like in comic form. There were a few discrepanciesin the art, where certain actions and reactions were out of place, but barring that, I cannot wait for the next issue. For newcomers to the universe, this issue is as welcoming as a full choir singing a beautiful harmony upon your stepping through the door. And for veterans, it's Elizaveta Khripounova's bard singing tavern songs in Dragon Age: Inquisition the umpteenth time you entered the fine establishment.

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Dragon Age: Magekiller #2

Jan 22, 2016

It is a great thing to see consistency in this comic and it is even greater thing to see that the story is now starting to pick up pieces from the games. I can tell that the creative team was, at the very minimum, exposed to the Dragon Age series. They continue to do a good job invoking the emotions felt when players experienced the world and I hope they continue to do so. Also, the sky opening.

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Independence Day #1

Mar 23, 2016

Overall, this comic shows a lot of promise. The art style and dialogue fits the atmosphere that I expected based on my memories of the Independence Day movie. Furthermore, I was impressed by how seamlessly and efficient the issue transitioned the reader from movie to comic. I feel like this comic will be very entertaining, in addition to doing its job as a prequel to the Independence Day: Resurgence movie. The cliffhanger of an ending will also surely drag the reader back in to finish the comic. Because honestly, who doesn't want to see aliens and more human co-option of alien technology?

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IXth Generation #8

Mar 3, 2016

All in all, this last issue seemed like a mad dash to the finish. The pacing was awkward in a lot of parts, the plot did not transition smoothly to the ending and it felt like a deus ex machina was introduced to help speed everything along. The art was bearable whenever it shifted the reader's attention to the bloody battles and the colours brilliant. Of course, given the complexities of the universe (i.e. there were several tie-ins to this comic) I may have not received the full picture. However, based on my comic reading experience, a full series should not depend on other series to build context. Did I mention that there's already a sequel planned?

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Kingsway West #1

Jul 29, 2016

With his Red Skull partner, Mirko Colak, Greg Pak introduces us to a fascinating original series. He even manages to throw in a very well-done cliffhanger at the end of the issue. From the fantastic way the universe is introduced to the extraordinary level of artistic detail and creativity, Kingsway West has the makings of an exciting adventure. It definitely made an impression on me and I can only wait until the next issue comes out. (Thank you Dark Horse Comics, for publishing something this unique!)

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Leaving Megalopolis: Surviving Megalopolis #1

Jan 15, 2016

The story picks up from where the last left off. Where Megalopolis was a cesspit of drowning hope as corrupted heroes tore everything and everyone apart and civilians gathered to sacrifice one another to the heroes, our survivors are the beaming light of hope that there is still goodness in mankind and in every letter of the word “hero”. This comic works very well as an anti-thesis to the traditional comic book hero and is definitely a must read.

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