Joe Fauvel's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Florida Geek Scene Reviews: 2
7.8Avg. Review Rating

IXth Generation #1

Jan 14, 2015

This issue plays out like Hunger Games meets Aliens. The overall story seems a little predictable (other then the elements I wrote about) and that might be because, like mentioned above, this sort of post apocalyptic thing has been told a millions times. Now they just tell it with elements already established within a comic universe. We will see where it goes from here and see if Hawkins can ad a twist in the theme.

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Reyn #1

Feb 12, 2015

Like I mentioned above there are some real ties to Star Wars. The, thought to be, defunct defenders of good and the land overtaken by evil. The story got me wondering what is going on here. Stockman did his homework with making this medical in nature. A lot of knight and castle designs and the such. Im curious if Symons has a twist in here, if not it is all very similar.

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