joshw0071's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Geeked Out Nation Reviews: 1
6.5Avg. Review Rating

Rocket Girl #1

Oct 9, 2013

Reading this issue, I did not know what to expect. Looking at the cover, it seemed like a future superhero teenage girlbook. This is a good book to pick up, but I do have some problems with it.Like some things just doesnot make any sense. For example, We have a scene in which Dayoungflies into a crime scenein 1986. She asks for a report and what happensis that the police officers do give her a report and catch the guy who did the crime. To me, it made no sense. It would make more sense if it was behind theyellow line and she catches the guy behind the police officer' back. The art of this book was okay. At certain points the art d llook a little bit too Anime for me.

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