Luke Dorian Blackwood's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Rainbow Hub, PopOptiq Reviews: 7
7.1Avg. Review Rating

Doctor Strange (2015) #1

Oct 11, 2015

One last thing: Marvel places the retail value of this issue at a ridiculous $4.99. Doctor Strange #1 is pretty solid, but not that solid. (Honestly, though, what is?) But it does have potential for some well-crafted stories in the future. Will they be $4.99-worthy well-crafted? Maybe, maybe not. I recommend giving this one a read in the store before putting up the cash.

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Doctor Strange (2015) #2

Nov 6, 2015

You know, I get it. The creators are aiming for a more humorous, light fantasy adventure story, and the kind of intense psychodrama I'm perhaps implying doesn't really mesh well withthat. But comic shop shelves are full of books that are humorous, light fantasy adventure stories. Doctor Strannge #2 is an entertaining, solidly crafted comic, and I'd recommend checking it out if you're a fan of the character or desire something more horror/mystical-esque in your superhero reading. But it has not yet made any moves to bust it out of its somewhatstandard comic book trappings, and as such it does not yet really stand out.

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Martian Manhunter (2015) #3

Aug 19, 2015

I'm having a hard time putting my finger on the audience for this currentMartian Manhunterseries. Eddy Barrows does some good work with the creature designs, and in some respects situates the character in a decidedly “horror” aesthetic, so perhaps there are some horror comic fans that might find its offbeat ideas and oppressive darkness appealing. ButI certainly can't see fans of Martian Manhunter getting overly excited about it given how hugely it distorts the character. Hopefully it will pull its ideas together and give us a more thoughtful, enjoyable story in upcoming issues, rendering these first three merely a rough start.

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Providence #5

Oct 6, 2015

Moving forward, Providence seems to be moving down treacherous, uncharted paths where were not sure if well meet friend or foe, but it remains as intriguing and engaging as its ever been.

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Sex Criminals #11

Jul 30, 2015

Don't get me wrong.This issue ofSex Criminals is still packs in the gags and the charm, but it seems the story is reaching something of a turning point, and it remains to be seen whether it can round that corner while still making the same kind of impact the first runs did. At the very least, it will keep our jaws dropping from its sheer audacity. I'm confident in that.

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Sex Criminals #12

Sep 17, 2015

After I read issue #12, I returned to some of the issues of Sex Criminals during its first and second arcs, and in doing so I started to erase the doubts I'd been having. This series' greatest asset is its ability to seemingly reach inside you and lay bare your innermost feelings. Yes, it makes silly sex jokes, and sometimes seems quite sure that it is much cooler than you, but the way it discusses sex, life, and anxiety can often be painfully authentic. Unfortunately, there isn't a whole lot of that on display in issue #12 alone as it seems the series is now relying on the strength of the arc more so than the separate issues. Fans of the series definitely should not miss it, but I have a feeling that those who are waiting for the trade might have a better time of it.

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Sex Criminals #13

Oct 16, 2015

Of course, after this brief sojourn into the life of Alix, we return to the "everyone's out to get Jon and Suzie" show for the issue's cliffhanger ending, and like I said before I'm not always so intrigued by the mechanics of theSex Criminalsplot. But as long as there are more issues like this one coming down the road, I'd say Sex Criminals is still very much a ride worth staying on.

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