Marcos S.'s Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: PopCultHQ Reviews: 5
8.8Avg. Review Rating

Ether: Copper Golems #3

Jul 18, 2018

Kindt has been a favorite for a long time, with good reason, and Rubin has rapidly started to fill my shelves with books like Sherlock Frankenstein. This is a series I've been champing at the bit to continue, as the duo dropped hints on Twitter of it continuing on. If you're a science-minded individual, or a fantasy-loving one, pick this up, you might find yourself buying the rest quite quickly as I did.

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Portal Bound #4

Jul 4, 2018

While I found myself enjoying the book by the end, I admit having to re-read a few pages to make sure I grasped the concepts at hand. The art was lovely, but not entirely exciting at times. While these may be deal breakers to some, I'd advise at least picking it up off the shelf and seeing if the characters win you over. Even with those challenges at hand, I'd say this is a good read for fans of science fantasy.

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Shadow Roads #2

Aug 8, 2018

This was a book I knew nothing about walking into it and I left feeling motivated to pick up the next one. The writing and art compliment each other in a way that few comics do, letting the plot be driven by the characters hunting and being hunted by an oncoming threat. The most important thing, though, was that I can wholeheartedly recommend this book, even to those who have not read the first because of the skill in writing. If this keeps pace, I can guarantee that even a newcomer to this story will have a good time.

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Unnatural #1

Jul 3, 2018

While I'm normally a capes and cowls kind of guy, I liked this book. Sure, there were no punches and explosions, but I found myself rooting for the heroes and horrified with the surprise message Leslie gets for her birthday. This book may not be for everyone, but I urge people to try it. I'm definitely going to check out the next issue, as not only the art, but the investigation of societal norms has me gripped.

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X-O Manowar (2017) #16

Jun 26, 2018

The tale of Aric's history, prior to wearing the legendary X-O Armor, continues to grow. This book is preparing him for what must be done in the current crossover, Harbinger Wars, going on right now! This is a brilliant book to read, but the question that I'm starting to ask is, when are we going to see Aric back in his armor? This book will remain in my subscription box though to find out!

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