Mark Tweedale and Brian Salvatore's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Multiversity Comics Reviews: 2
8.8Avg. Review Rating

Abe Sapien (2013) #12

May 14, 2014

I'm evaluating this one in a vacuum, as a complete standalone, not as a part of a larger story. With that in mind, I loved this issue. It was masterful from start to finish. Everyone involved has thrown their all into it and it shows. The damn thing even had me tearing up at one point. And since reading it, it has only grown on me.

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B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #119

May 21, 2014

As much as I love his action scenes, I like his human moments more, and it's where I can see him growing the most as an artist. Take a look at "Abe Sapien: The Devil Does Not Jest" and then "The Long Death" then this, and you can see his character work evolving in leaps and bounds. The eyes are fantastic, but it's not just limited to that. He can draw a character as a distant figure with gesture so clear you feel the mood they're in effortlessly.

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