Mark Villamor's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: First Comics News Reviews: 4
6.8Avg. Review Rating

Azzarello does a great job blending the real world into the fictional Watchmen world, something Moore himself did well. There are some nasty politics involved but Eddie's loyalty towards the Kennedys and his patriotism is somewhat admirable. Jones art is perfect for the type of book this will turn out to be . The violence is no doubt coming and his work on Wanted proves that he's able to handle it with fantastic realism. I'm looking forward to seeing where the next issue heads as Eddie begins to unhinge and turn into that oh so loveable man that appeared in Watchmen.

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Before Watchmen: Minutemen is a good start to the event. Darwyn Cooke does a great job with the huge expectations that are put on his shoulders and he delivers for the most part. I am very interested in seeing where this goes now.

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Straczynski does a good job of setting up Danny's story. The pacing is a little fast but there's not too much time so he does get right to the point. He starts off as a teen and ends up in a super team all in one issue. I remember the Kuberts drawing a series as being a big thing but since their move to DC they haven't been the same. Andy draws Danny as a kid but in actuality he's a teen or even in his 20s. It's hard to say. This is the first meeting of the Watchmen characters and knowing where this is headed creates an uneasy feeling. Dr. Manhattan and Silk Spectre's first meeting is sweet and strange at the same time and the creative team does a good job of that. Overall, Nite Owl isn't the best of the releases so far but it certainly isn't the worst.

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While the Minutemen issue was as close to a homerun as this idea could get, Silk Spectre falls flat. Darwyn Cooke doesn't get it totally right this time as the story seems like a generic CW One Tree Hill crap plotline. Hopefully it leads to something further down the series but it hasn't gotten off to a good start. Amanda Conner does draw the heck out of the book but there isn't enough substance to go with the style.

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