Martin Baier's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Nerds On The Rocks Reviews: 2
5.2Avg. Review Rating

Archie vs. Predator #1

Mar 23, 2015

So while the writing of Alex de Campi didn't exactly blow my socks off here, I was impressed by the art of Fernando Ruiz. He nails the typical Archie style. It's very cartoony and looks so lively. Then, when he needs to crank up the gore he delivers as well and it is a stark contrast to the rest of the issue. This one moment worked very well, but it also reminds you of the untapped potential this AvP has. That's basically the feeling I had after finishing this issue, I wish there was more of this. So if anything I kinda still want to see issue #2 in the hopes of them tapping into that. They can very easily make this great, let's see if they will.

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Omega Men #1

Jun 7, 2015

Beautiful art married with almost non-existent storytelling. This might be ok for people that followed all the DC happenings over the last few years, but it doesn't respect the newcomers at all.

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