Michael Shaw's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Bounding Into Comics Reviews: 3
7.3Avg. Review Rating

Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen #1

Jul 5, 2016

Overall, Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen #1 wasn't bad, but it isn't going to blow anyone out of the water either. The art has some glaring problems, namely some jarring facial expressions, but also presents us with beautiful pieces and landscapes. The story could go either way, mediocre and bland Doctor Who Time Conspiracy number 342, or it could tell a compelling narrative while making an old foe truly threatening again. I would be more inclined to wait for the event to be over, and read it as a trade, than to follow it issue by issue.

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Kingsway West #1

Aug 2, 2016

If you like fantasy stories, pick up Kingsway West #1. If you like westerns, pick up Kingsway West #1. It's a wonderful merger of the two genres that ultimately gives us a fresh take on both of them. It's not without flaws, but they're issues that can easily be fixed as the story continues. You'd be remiss to pass this book up, although I would understand if you wait until the first trade comes out before you jump in.

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Ninjak (2015) #17

Jul 12, 2016

Ninjak #17 is good, but nothing to write home about. The art is rich, deeply colored, and smooth, providing an extremely pleasant visual experience for the reader. The climax of the "Siege of King's Castle" storyline is satisfactory, and while definitely enjoyable, isn't likely to leave any lasting impressions on its audience, which can partially be blamed on a failure to focus on the relatable aspects of Ninjak himself.

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